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Adopt the IBIS-PH System

The IBIS-PH system was developed to meet recognized public health assessment needs, including tabulation of vital statistics data, tracking of progress on Healthy People 2010 goals, and the displaying of data for local communities.

Core IBIS-PH Web Applications:

The IBIS-PH system consists of three web applications which are:
  • The public view system (which you are currently using) that allows a user to view Web pages that describe the system, view indicator profile reports, and to perform realtime SAS data queries,
  • A Web-based, centralized indicator profile data repository which allows different organizations to maintain their indicator profile numerical and contextual data, and
  • A query interface system that allows queries to be made to a SAS dataset with only the base SAS software and a couple of modules (no need for SAS Server, SAS Intrnet, SAS BI etc.). The system is data driven with all of the pages being dynamically created. To maintain or extend the system simply requires someone to maintain the actual data to be displayed. There is no need to maintain thousands of HTML pages nor is there a need for any specialized programming (unless extended capabilities are desired).

IBIS-PH Web Applications Mini Sales Pitch:

The system was designed using currently-accepted modern system architectures for complex software systems (loosely-coupled components and data-driven processes) and is based on open standards using free open source packages and tools where applicable. These elements provide a system that is easier to build, easier to maintain, easier to extend, more flexible, and has better longevity when compared with systems built without these characteristics. IBIS-PH has strong potential for adaptability to other states and localities. The applications run on virtually all modern hardware and operating systems and are FREE.

The IBIS-PH Community of Practice, Adopt IBIS page has information for states or other agencies considering adoption of the IBIS-PH software.

More IBIS-PH Resources:

  • The IBIS-PH System Documentation provides more detailed online information about the architecture, the system parts, the technology, how to install, how to customize, and how to maintain the system.
  • The IBIS-PH Community of Practice website is also a great place to gain insight and information from others who have already adopted the IBIS-PH suite of applications.

The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH web site ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Thu, 13 March 2025 20:28:50 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health Web site: ".

Content updated: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 15:55:22 MDT