Utah EPHT Contents and Usage
Environmental public health tracking (EPHT) monitors environmental hazards, possible exposures to those hazards, and the resulting health effects. Collecting these data over time allows us to see trends and patterns as well as changes in those trends and patterns. This information allows communities to make informed decisions on how to intervene and protect the public's health.The Utah EPHT site contains the following types of data:
Health and Environmental Indicator-Based Reports
Indicator Reports provide numerical data presented in tables, charts, and graphs along with a written public health context. These reports are used to increase public knowledge about key issues. You can access Indicator Reports in two ways: 1) Under the "Data Portal" at the top of the page, choose "Indicator Report Index," and 2) Under the "EPHT Topics" tab at the top of the page, choose a topic and a category, click on the "Explore Data" tab, and the data will be under the "Data tables, charts, and more detailed information" tab.
For more information about Indicator Reports, see the Indicator Reports Contents and Usage page. -
Dataset Queries
If our standard Indicator Reports do not meet your needs, please use the Query System. The Query System allows you to generate custom data views based from a variety of data sets. Click on the "Data Portal" tab at the top of this page and click on "Data Queries." After choosing your desired index and statistical measure, build your custom query and click "Submit" to view the results.
For more information about custom queries, see the Custom Query Contents and Usage page. -
Secure Dataset Queries
While most of EPHT's datasets are non-sensitive public data, some datasets contain data values that are hidden in order to protect the confidentiality of private health information. The difference between public and secure datasets is that the secure datasets have smaller data sub-fields (finer granularity) and no data cells are hidden. Smaller data sub-fields make it easier to reveal the identity of the people behind the data. The public cannot access these secure datasets; access is only granted through an approval process.
For information about secure datasets, see the Introduction to Secure Datasets
Content Tabs (located at top of page)
- About EPHT contains general information about EPHT and site pages.
- EPHT Topics links to Indicator Reports organized within an EPHT context.
- Data Portal contains public and secure dataset queries and links to create a MyEPHT user account.
- Resources provide help, tutorials, and links to data partners, the CDC, and other educational opportunities.