- metadata:
- idinfo:
- citation:
- citeinfo:
- title: Public IBIS-PH Radon Module
- type: Environmental exposure
- descript:
- abstract:
This dataset contains information about short-term radon tests conducted in private households in the state of Utah. This dataset is an aggregation by county and all years since radon test results reporting began.
- Important: This data provides summary information about the results of short-term home radon test kit results in Utah. This data is available for public use.
- Measures:
- Derivation:
- AverageTestResult:
- Numerator: Sum of all short-term home radon test kit results
- Denominator: Total number of tests conducted
- PercentAboveActionLevel:
- Numerator: Number of test results over 4.0 pCi/L
- Denominator: Total number of tests conducted
- Rates: Per 100 test kit results
- MeasureUse: These data can be used to understand patterns and the distribution of home radon test results in the state of Utah.
- Unit: Radon levels are measured in picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L) by test kit
- Display:
- Variables:
- A: Year group
- B: Short-term home test level
- C: County
- D: Number of homes tested
- VariableDef:
- Year: Year group in which test occurred
- TestResult: Result of short-term home radon test, reported in picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L)
- Count: Total number of short-term home radon tests conducted by county
- Counties: Uintah, Grand, Tooele, Garfield, Summit, Sevier, Sanpete, Davis, San Juan, Salt Lake, Emery, Rich, Duchesne, Piute, Utah, Wasatch, Cache, Weber, Carbon, Daggett, Millard, Washington, Morgan, Wayne, Juab, Kane, Beaver, Iron, Box Elder
- VariableGroups:
- A: County
- B: Test result in pCi/L
- C: Percent above the 4.0 pCi/L action level
- D: Year group
- E: Number of radon tests conducted
- Charttypes:
- A: Horizontal graph
- B: Map
- Geography:
- Scope:
- Boundary:
- West: -114.042925
- East: -109.041501
- North: 42.001718
- South: 36.997693
- GeogScale: County
- Time:
- Period: 1992-2016
- Scale: County
- Updated
- Purpose: The Radon Program in the Division of Radiation Control collects short-term home radon test result data. The Radon Program focuses on raising awareness about radon, providing subsidized test kits, and serving as a radon information resource for the state of Utah.
- Use: These data can be used to assess the variation of short-term home radon test results by county.
- DataSources: Short-term home radon test results are reported to the Division of Radiation Control. Test results come from multiple certified laboratories.
- DataLimitations: There are certain data issues that users should take into consideration when using this data. Radon testing is optional in Utah and must be conducted by homeowners' and renters' choice; there are no systematic testing procedures. Therefore, only homes that actually conducted a radon test are reported. Furthermore, if multiple tests are conducted in a single household, all test results will be reported, regardless of differences in the pCi/L test result. Finally, differences in housing structure, age, and state of repair is the primary determinant of radon exposure risk. Due to housing differences, two neighbors can have entirely different radon test results, which reinforces the importance of all citizens testing their home for radon.
- Standards
- ReportingProtocols:
- supplinf:
The Radon Program receives quarterly summarized radon test kit result data with the following variables: ZIP code, percent of test above/below the 4.0 pCi/L action level, maximum test result, average test result, and total tests conducted. This data is aggregated by the Radon Program and the file is available at http://radon.utah.gov.
- Additional
- Citation: Radon test result data is provided by various radon testing laboratories that provide summarized data to the Radon Program, Division of Radiation Control, Utah Department of Environmental Quality.
- EEPContact:
- Intro: Metadata created by:
- Name: Health Program Specialist
- Program: Environmental Epidemiology Program
- Department: Utah Department of Health
- Address: 288 North 1460 West
- POBox: P.O. Box 142104
- City: Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2104
- Phone: 801-538-6191
- Email: eep@utah.gov
- Website: https://ibis.utah.gov/epht-view/
- DataPartnerContact:
- Program: Radon Program, Division of Radiation Control
- Address: 195 North 1950 West
- City: Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
- POBox: P.O. Box 144850
- Phone: 801-536-0091
- Email
- Website: https://deq.utah.gov/ProgramsServices/programs/radiation/radon//
- Constraints:
- Access: Public Health Professionals may only access secure Utah Tracking Network data through Secure IBIS-PH or in any other way after submitting a complete application as contained in the document Third Party Application for Access to Secure IBIS-PH for Public Health Professionals. Similarly, researchers must submit a complete application as contained in the document Third Party Application for Access to Secure IBIS-PH for Research Projects. The Scientific Review Board (SRB) does not serve as an Institutional Review Board (IRB). Applications requiring an IRB must submit for IRB approval separately. The applications can be submitted concurrently, but the SRB will not grant data access until they have received proof that the IRB has approved the research project. The SRB may conditionally approve access to Secure IBIS-PH pending IRB approval. The SRB ensures that the research proposal meets all of the data owner(s)’s requirements. Visit https://ibis.utah.gov/epht-view/dataportal/SecureDatasetIntroduction.html for more information.
- Use: NO-USE: This data may not be used in any way to imply Office of Health Care Statistics (OHCS) or Utah Department of Health (UDOH) endorsement of any research objective, commercial or for-profit venture; to advertise or support a commercial product; or to direct or plan targeted advertising. This data may not be used to identify subjects of hospitalization, case information or the individual or organization who reported the case information. PUBLICATION: The data user will comply with OHCS rules for publication or presentation of this data or any results derived from this data. Publication approval of any manuscript or document must be accomplished prior to submission for publication. Data users will provide a copy of any publication draft or public presentation of this data or results derived from this data to the Utah Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (UEPHTN) which will coordinate UEPHTN and OHCS approval to publish or present. See contact information in this metadata. The OHCS requires 30 days to approve draft publications. The OHCS will provide a response in writing to the data user. RIGHT TO REFUSAL: The OHCS and/or the UEPHTN retain the right to refuse any publication or public presentation of the data or results derived from the data. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Use of this data requires acknowledgement of the OHCS and the UEPHTN in any publications or public presentations of the data or results derived from the data. Acknowledgement must be made that the research was supported by the OHCS with support from the Utah Department of Health. Acknowledgement must be made that the research was supported by the UEPHTN, which is partially funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. AUTHORSHIP: Authorship is required when the OHCS or the UEPHTN makes substantial contribution to the data. AUDITS: The OHCS and/or the UEPHTN retain the right to conduct on-site audits of the researcher with or without cause. Audits will be conducted after notification and during normal business hours by representatives of the OHCS or UEPHTN. The audit will observe research practices for protecting data. REPORTS: Data users must submit annual and final reports regarding the progress and/or completion of research projects to the OHCS. This will be done through the UEPHTN.
- Liability: DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY, RELIABILITY, DAMAGES AND ENDORSEMENT. The Utah Public Health Tracking Network (UEPHTN) is maintained, managed and operated by the Environmental Epidemiology Program (EEP) within the Utah Department of Health (UDOH). In preparing this data, every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct, complete and clearly expressed information possible. Nevertheless, some errors in the data may exist. In particular, but without limiting anything here, the Utah Department of Health disclaims any responsibility for source data, compilation and typographical errors and accuracy of the information that may be contained in this data. These data does not represent the official legal version of source documents or data used to compile this data. The UDOH further reserves the right to make changes to this data at any time without notice. These data have been compiled by the staff of the EEP from a variety of source data, and are subject to change without notice. The UDOH makes no guarantees or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, condition, functionality, performance, completeness, accuracy, compilation, fitness or adequacy of the data. By using this data, you assume all risk associated with the acquisition, use, management, and disposition of this data in your information system, including any risks to your computers, software or data being damaged by any virus, software, or any other file which might be transmitted or activated during the data exchange of this data. The UDOH shall not be liable, without limitation, for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, compensatory, or consequential damages, or third-party claims, resulting from the use or misuse of the acquired data, even if the UDOH or its agency has been advised of the possibility of such potential damages or loss. Format compatibility is the user’s responsibility. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, processes, services, or standards by trade name, trademark, manufacture, URL, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the UDOH. The view and opinions of the metadata compiler expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the UDOH, or the data owners and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Use of this data with other data shall not terminate, void or otherwise contradict this statement of liability. The sale or resale of these data, or any portions thereof, is prohibited unless with the express written permission of the UDOH. If errors and/or otherwise inappropriate information are brought to our attention, a reasonable effort will be made to fix or remove them. Such concerns should be addressed to the EEP program manager (See Point of Contact contained in this metadata file).
- Publication: