Query Results for Number of Radon Tests - Percent of Radon Tests
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Mitigation Status Filter: | Pre-mitigation |
Radon test result Category Filter: | Results less than 2 pCi Per L, Results 2 to 3.9 pCi Per L, Result greater and equal 4 pCi Per L |
Number of radon tests Filter: | Number of Radon Tests |
Utah County Filter: | Davis |
Data Grouped By: | Year, Radon test result Category |
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The data are grouped by more dimensions than the chart is capable of displaying. If you would like this chart you will need to remove one or more grouping selections on the query definition builder page and then resubmit the query request or choose a different chart that supports multiple dimensions.The Indoor Radon Program receives radon test results from test kits purchased through its subsidized program. Home radon tests purchased and conducted outside of this program are not included in these data. These data only include short-term tests conducted in private homes for personal knowledge or retail transactions. Test results that return a "below detect" level are halved. The best way to estimate radon levels is to conduct a test in your own place of residence.
Prior to 2015 San Juan County was part of the Southeast Local Health District. In 2015 the San Juan County Local Health District was formed. Data reported are for all years using the current boundaries.
- Indoor Radon Program, Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control, Utah Department of Environmental Quality Environmental Epidemiology Program, Division of Disease Control and Prevention, Utah Department of Health and Human Services
These data were queried on: Tue, 22 Jun 2021 14:21:31 MDT