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EPHT Tracking 101

Learn more about the National Environmental Health Tracking Network and earn FREE continuing education credits by taking the free online EPHT Tracking 101 Course. The course, first created by the CDC in 2007, consists of 12 modules with information on biomonitoring, EPHT data, indicators, epidemiology, surveillance and epidemiology; tracking data; GIS; and communications. The latest version features updated information, improved user interface design, and printable resources. Participants of this course can log in and out while saving their progress allowing them to take the course at their convenience.

Free continuing education credits/hours from CDC are available for nurses (CNE), certified health education specialists (CECH), and others (CEU). National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) credits are also available. Users must register with NEHA to access the course, but they do not have to become members.

Tracking 101 via Utah's UTrain

  1. Go to the Utah U-Train website and register/setup your free UTRAIN account
  2. Log onto to your just created UTRAIN account
  3. Search for EPHT Tracking 101 or course #1009900
  4. Proceed with registration instructions (you will be re-directed to another site)

Tracking 101 via NEHA's Website

The same course can be directly accessed via NEHA. Taking this course directly from NEHA avoids the UTRAIN middleman. UTRAIN is useful for those that already have a UTRAIN account. Otherwise it does not make any difference how the course is navigated to as both point to the same course.

Access the course through NEHA's e-Learning Website.

The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH web site ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Thu, 13 March 2025 13:05:53 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health Web site: ".

Content updated: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 15:55:22 MDT