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Health Indicator Report of Carbon Monoxide Deaths

Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless, and poisonous gas that can cause sudden illness and death if inhaled. CO poisoning can happen quickly and without warning. This cause of death is almost entirely preventable if proper measures are taken, such as always having a working carbon monoxide detector in your home or work.

CO is found in combustion fumes such as those produced by cars and trucks, small gasoline engines, stoves, lanterns, burning charcoal and wood, gas ranges, and heating systems. Wherever there is a flame or combustion, deadly carbon monoxide gas can be produced. CO from these sources can build up in enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces making the air poisonous for people and animals.

CO poisoning is especially of concern after emergency situations such as power outages or natural disasters because of emergency equipment used that give off CO. Generators, grills, camp stoves, gasoline equipment, propane, natural gas, or charcoal-burning devices should never be used inside a home, basement, garage, camper, or even outside near an open window.

CO poisoning can also occur outdoors and has been reported while boating. In this case, CO poisoning is attributed mostly to generator exhaust that builds up inside and outside a boat in areas near exhaust vents. Dangerous concentrations of CO can accumulate within seconds; due to the possibility of rapid CO accumulation while boating, it is recommended that all boat owners schedule regular engine and exhaust system maintenance for their boats and install and test daily a battery operated CO detector.

CO poisoning is almost entirely preventable. To protect yourself from CO poisoning, use equipment that emits CO responsibly and install a properly working CO detector in your home. These can be purchased at most grocery and home improvement stores for a relatively low cost. Additionally, it is crucial to check and maintain your CO detector including, but not limited to, changing batteries and checking its power source.
Year2004 to 20082009 to 20132014 to 20180.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.1%0.1%Crude Rate per 100,000 PopulationUnintentional Deaths from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Crude Rate per 100,000 Population, by 5-Year Group, Utah, 2004-2019
YearCrude Rate per 100,000 PopulationLower 95% CIUpper 95% CI
2004 to 20080.04%0.03%0.05%
2009 to 20130.04%0.02%0.05%
2014 to 20180.03%0.02%0.05%


*Use caution in interpreting, the estimate has a coefficient of variation >30% and is therefore deemed unreliable by Utah Department of Health standards.

Data Sources

  • Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Utah Department of Health and Human Services
  • Population Estimates: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) through a collaborative agreement with the U.S. Census Bureau, IBIS Version 2017

Data Interpretation Issues

This indicator includes only data from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning that resulted in death. This does not include those who were hospitalized or went to the emergency department, those who were treated at the scene, or those who did not seek medical care.


Rate of unintentional deaths attributed to carbon monoxide (CO) as a primary cause of death (ICD-09: 986, E868.2, .3, .8, .9, E982.0, .1; ICD-10: T58).

Records identified as purposeful intent are excluded (ICD-09: E950.*-E979.*, E990.*-E999.*; ICD-10: X60-Y09, Y35, Y36)

Additional codes used to determine fire-relatedness:
  • Fire-related (ICD-09: E980.*-E8999.*; ICD-10: X00-X09)
  • Non fire-related (ICD-09: E818.*, E825.*, E838.*, E844.*, E867. E868, E869.9; ICD-10: X47)
  • Unknown (E982.0, .1 or records not previously assigned as fire, non-fire, or both)


Utah resident deaths due to CO poisoning.


Annual statewide Utah population.

Healthy People Objective: Increase the number of States, Territories, Tribes, and the District of Columbia that monitor diseases or conditions that can be caused by exposure to environmental hazards: Carbon monoxide poisoning

U.S. Target: 56 States, Territories, and the District of Columbia

What Is Being Done?

Organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), offer free resources that provide information about CO poisoning and prevention. Also, health promotion and community outreach activities are available to educate the public about CO poisoning and prevention. However, it is primarily up to the individual to practice behaviors that prevent CO poisoning such as installing working CO detectors and using equipment that emits CO gas properly.

Available Services

The Utah Poison Control Center (UPCC) is a 24-hour resource for poison information, clinical toxicology consultation, and poison prevention education. This free and confidential service is available 365 days a year. For poison emergencies, questions, and prevention information call 1-800-222-1222.

Page Content Updated On 09/09/2021, Published on 02/18/2022
The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH web site ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Fri, 28 March 2025 6:42:30 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health Web site: ".

Content updated: Thu, 6 Feb 2025 13:01:20 MST