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Health Indicator Report of Health status: mental health past 30 days

Mental health refers to an individual's ability to negotiate the daily challenges and social interactions of life without experiencing undue emotional or behavioral incapacity. Mental health and mental disorders can be influenced by numerous conditions including biologic and genetic vulnerabilities, acute or chronic physical dysfunction, and environmental conditions and stresses. The BRFSS mental health question is an attempt to obtain a global measure of recent mental and emotional distress.
Year19931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230.0%5.0%10.0%15.0%20.0%25.0%30.0%Age-adjusted percentage of adultsSeven or more days of poor mental health in the past 30 days, Utah and U.S., 1993-2023UT Old MethodologyUS Old MethodologyUT New MethodologyUS New Methodology
 BRFSS Utah vs. U.S.YearAge-adjusted percentage of adultsLower 95% CIUpper 95% CI

UT Old Methodology

 1UT Old Methodology199312.7%11.0%14.4%
 1UT Old Methodology199411.8%10.2%13.4%
 1UT Old Methodology199513.9%12.3%15.5%
 1UT Old Methodology199615.3%13.7%17.0%
 1UT Old Methodology199715.3%13.6%16.9%
 1UT Old Methodology199816.5%14.7%18.3%
 1UT Old Methodology199914.3%12.6%16.0%
 1UT Old Methodology200014.7%13.1%16.3%
 1UT Old Methodology200115.1%13.7%16.6%
 1UT Old Methodology200214.1%12.7%15.5%
 1UT Old Methodology200315.0%13.5%16.4%
 1UT Old Methodology200415.3%14.0%16.5%
 1UT Old Methodology200515.4%14.3%16.7%
 1UT Old Methodology200614.4%13.2%15.7%
 1UT Old Methodology200713.7%12.4%15.0%
 1UT Old Methodology200814.4%13.2%15.8%
 1UT Old Methodology200914.6%13.7%15.6%
 1UT Old Methodology201014.5%13.9%15.2%
 1UT Old Methodology2011n/an/a
 1UT Old Methodology2012n/an/a
 1UT Old Methodology2013n/an/a
 1UT Old Methodology2014n/an/a
 1UT Old Methodology2015n/an/a
 1UT Old Methodology2016n/an/a
 1UT Old Methodology2017n/an/a
 1UT Old Methodology2018n/an/a
 1UT Old Methodology2019n/an/a
 1UT Old Methodology2020n/an/a
 1UT Old Methodology2021n/an/a
 1UT Old Methodology2022n/an/a
 1UT Old Methodology2023n/an/a

US Old Methodology

 2US Old Methodology199312.8%12.5%13.1%
 2US Old Methodology199413.0%12.7%13.3%
 2US Old Methodology199513.1%12.8%13.5%
 2US Old Methodology199612.8%12.5%13.1%
 2US Old Methodology199713.3%13.0%13.6%
 2US Old Methodology199813.6%13.3%13.8%
 2US Old Methodology199913.6%13.3%13.9%
 2US Old Methodology200014.4%14.1%14.7%
 2US Old Methodology200115.2%14.9%15.4%
 2US Old Methodology200214.4%13.9%14.8%
 2US Old Methodology200315.2%14.9%15.4%
 2US Old Methodology200415.4%15.1%15.7%
 2US Old Methodology200514.9%14.7%15.2%
 2US Old Methodology200615.1%14.8%15.4%
 2US Old Methodology200715.5%15.3%15.8%
 2US Old Methodology200815.9%15.7%16.2%
 2US Old Methodology200916.2%15.9%16.4%
 2US Old Methodology201015.8%15.5%15.9%
 2US Old Methodology2011n/an/a
 2US Old Methodology2012n/an/a
 2US Old Methodology2013n/an/a
 2US Old Methodology2014n/an/a
 2US Old Methodology2015n/an/a
 2US Old Methodology2016n/an/a
 2US Old Methodology2017n/an/a
 2US Old Methodology2018n/an/a
 2US Old Methodology2019n/an/a
 2US Old Methodology2020n/an/a
 2US Old Methodology2021n/an/a
 2US Old Methodology2022n/an/a
 2US Old Methodology2023n/an/a

UT New Methodology

 3UT New Methodology1993n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology1994n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology1995n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology1996n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology1997n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology1998n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology1999n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology2000n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology2001n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology2002n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology2003n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology2004n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology2005n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology2006n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology2007n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology2008n/an/a
 3UT New Methodology200915.8%14.9%16.8%
 3UT New Methodology201015.7%14.9%16.6%
 3UT New Methodology201115.8%15.0%16.7%
 3UT New Methodology201215.3%14.5%16.2%
 3UT New Methodology201315.9%15.1%16.7%
 3UT New Methodology201415.4%14.7%16.1%
 3UT New Methodology201515.6%14.7%16.4%
 3UT New Methodology201616.5%15.6%17.5%
 3UT New Methodology201717.5%16.6%18.5%
 3UT New Methodology201818.2%17.3%19.1%
 3UT New Methodology201920.7%19.7%21.6%
 3UT New Methodology202022.4%21.4%23.5%
 3UT New Methodology202124.3%23.3%25.4%
 3UT New Methodology202224.6%23.5%25.8%
 3UT New Methodology202323.7%22.6%24.8%

US New Methodology

 4US New Methodology1993n/an/a
 4US New Methodology1994n/an/a
 4US New Methodology1995n/an/a
 4US New Methodology1996n/an/a
 4US New Methodology1997n/an/a
 4US New Methodology1998n/an/a
 4US New Methodology1999n/an/a
 4US New Methodology2000n/an/a
 4US New Methodology2001n/an/a
 4US New Methodology2002n/an/a
 4US New Methodology2003n/an/a
 4US New Methodology2004n/an/a
 4US New Methodology2005n/an/a
 4US New Methodology2006n/an/a
 4US New Methodology2007n/an/a
 4US New Methodology2008n/an/a
 4US New Methodology2009n/an/a
 4US New Methodology2010n/an/a
 4US New Methodology201117.3%17.1%17.6%
 4US New Methodology201217.6%17.3%17.8%
 4US New Methodology201316.6%16.4%16.8%
 4US New Methodology201416.5%16.2%16.7%
 4US New Methodology201516.8%13.9%19.6%
 4US New Methodology201617.2%16.9%17.4%
 4US New Methodology201718.3%18.0%18.6%
 4US New Methodology201818.8%18.5%19.0%
 4US New Methodology201920.2%19.9%20.5%
 4US New Methodology202020.5%20.2%20.9%
 4US New Methodology202122.4%22.1%22.7%
 4US New Methodology202223.5%22.2%24.8%
 4US New Methodology202324.0%23.7%24.3%


Age-adjusted to the U.S. 2000 standard population.

U.S. data are the average for all states and the District of Columbia but do not include the U.S. territories. In 2002 the U.S. data includes only 22 states that asked the question.

Starting in 2009, the BRFSS included both landline and cell phone respondent interviews along with a new weighting methodology called iterative proportional fitting, or raking. More details about these changes can be found at:

Note: At the time of this update, the BRFSS U.S. dataset did not include an age variable but did include five age categories up to age 80+ (vs. the typical weighting scheme that includes 85+). Comparisons with both weighting schemes were compared using Utah data, and the difference was about 1/100 of a percentage point.

Data Sources

Data Interpretation Issues

Question Text: "Now thinking about your mental health, which includes stress, depression, and problems with emotions, for how many days during the past 30 days was your mental health NOT good?"

Increased number of U.S. households without landline phones and an under-representation of certain demographic groups that were not well-represented in the sample. More details about these changes can be found at:

As with all surveys, some error results from non-response (e.g., refusal to participate in the survey or to answer specific questions), and measurement (e.g., social desirability or recall bias). Error was minimized by use of strict calling protocols, good questionnaire design, standardization of interviewer behavior, interviewer training, and frequent, on-site interviewer monitoring and supervision.


Percentage of adults aged 18 years and older who reported seven or more days when their mental health was not good in the past 30 days.


Number of survey respondents who reported seven or more days when their mental health was not good in the past 30 days.


Total number of survey respondents excluding those with missing, "Don't know/Not sure," and "Refused" responses.

How Are We Doing?

In 2023, approximately 23.7% (age-adjusted rate) of Utah adults reported seven or more days when their mental health was not good in the past 30 days. This percentage was higher for adults with lower income levels. Older adults are less likely to report poor mental health status.

How Do We Compare With the U.S.?

Looking at age-adjusted rates for 2023, the percentage of Utah adults reporting seven or more days when their mental health was not good in the past 30 days (23.7%) was similar to the percentage of adults in the U.S. as a whole (24.0%).

Available Services

The Utah Department of Health and Human Services Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (OSUMH) is Utah's public mental health and substance use authority. This office consults and coordinates with federal, state, and local partners regarding programs and services. The office also contracts for substance use and mental health programs funded with state and federal funds.

In crisis? Call the Utah Crisis Line (988) for immediate, free, confidential support. 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Page Content Updated On 10/17/2024, Published on 10/22/2024
The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH web site ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Thu, 13 March 2025 5:59:05 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health Web site: ".

Content updated: Thu, 6 Feb 2025 13:01:20 MST