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Complete Health Indicator Report of Daily Fruit Consumption


The percentage of adults who reported consuming fruit two or more times a day.


The number of survey respondents who reported consuming fruit two or more times a day.


The total number of survey respondents.

Data Interpretation Issues

To reduce bias and more accurately represent population data, the BRFSS changed survey methodology in 2010 and began conducting surveys by cellular phone in addition to landline phones. It also adopted "iterative proportional fitting" (raking) as its weighting method. More details about these changes can be found at: [ Raking Fact Sheet 2011].

Why Is This Important?

Fruits, as well as vegetables, contain essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other compounds that may help prevent many chronic diseases. Compared with people who consume a diet with only small amounts of fruits and vegetables, those who eat more generous amounts as part of a healthful diet are likely to have reduced risk of chronic diseases, including stroke and perhaps other cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers^1^. Fruits and vegetables also help people to achieve and maintain a healthy weight because they are relatively low in energy density^2^. To promote health and prevent chronic diseases, the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend two cups of fruit per day for a standard 2,000 calorie diet, with recommendations based on an individual's age, gender, and activity level^3^. [[br]][[br]] ---- 1. CDC. ''Can eating fruits and vegetables help people to manage their weight?'' [ (Research to Practice Series No. 1)] [[br]] 2. CDC. [ "Low-Energy-Dense Foods and Weight Management: Cutting Calories While Controlling Hunger." ] [[br]] 3. U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. 9th Edition. December 2020. Available at

Healthy People Objective: Increase the contribution of fruits to the diets of the population aged 2 years and older

U.S. Target: 0.90 cup equivalent per 1,000 calories

Other Objectives

Increase the proportion of persons aged 18 years and older who consume fruit two or more times per day. [[br]] '''Utah Target:''' 34%

How Are We Doing?

Please note that the fruit consumption questions were changed in 2011 and results cannot be compared with years prior to 2011. In 2021, about one of three (32.2%) Utah adults reported eating fruit two or more times per day

How Do We Compare With the U.S.?

In 2021, 32.2% of Utah adults reported eating fruit two or more times per day, which is greater than than the U.S. rate of 28.6% (age-adjusted rates).

What Is Being Done?

The Utah Department of Health and Human Service's Healthy Environments Active Living (HEAL) Program plays a key role in improving the health of residents in the state of Utah. The program was formed in July 2013 (as Healthy Living through Environment, Policy, and Improved Clinical Care: EPICC), through a new funding opportunity from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that allowed for the merging of three previously existing programs: the Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program, the Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, and the Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity Program, as well as the addition of a school health program. HEAL was recently restructured as part of a strategic planning process and the new program model focuses on staff and partners working together to address the social determinants of health while advancing health equity and increasing policy, systems and environmental changes. HEAL works: In schools:[[br]] HEAL encourages schools to adopt the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program. This framework encourages students to be physically active for 60 minutes a day through school, home, and community activities. HEAL also tracks height and weight trends in elementary school students. In worksites:[[br]] HEAL offers training on developing worksite wellness programs called Work@Health. HEAL partners with local health departments to encourage worksites to complete the CDC Scorecard and participate in yearly health risk assessments for their employees. HEAL provides toolkits and other resources for employers interested in implementing wellness programs [ Worksite Wellness]. In communities:[[br]] HEAL receives federal funding to partner with worksites and community-based organizations to increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables in worksite and community settings. HEAlL also partners with LHDs to work with cities and/or counties within their jurisdictions to create a built environment that encourages physical activity. In healthcare:[[br]] HEAL works with health care systems to establish community clinical linkages to support individuals at risk for or diagnosed with diabetes or hypertension to engage in lifestyle change programs such as chronic disease self-management and diabetes prevention programs. In childcare:[[br]] HEAL works with state and local partners through the Childcare Obesity Prevention workgroup to implement policy and systems changes in early care and education across agencies statewide. Ten local health departments statewide have implemented the TOP Star program, which aims to improve the nutrition, physical activity, and breastfeeding policies and environments and achieve best practices in childcare centers and homes.[[br]]

Available Services

Visit [ HEAL website] for more information. The [ USDA My Plate] food guidance system provides consumer tools in English and Spanish to meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, including individualized plans, tools to track intake, and plans for early childhood, pregnancy, and lactation. The [ Fruits and Veggies: More Matters] and [ Produce for Better Health] websites include educational brochures, recipes, and consumer tips for selecting, storing, and preparing vegetables.

Health Program Information

Overarching Goals:[[br]] Healthy People: Increase access to resources that empower all people in Utah to reach their full health potential. Healthy Communities: Increase the capacity of communities to support and promote healthy living for all individuals. Equitable Society: Increase opportunities for people who are under-resourced and under-represented in Utah to live healthy and thriving lives.

Related Indicators

Relevant Population Characteristics

Overall, more women than men reported eating fruit two or more times daily. Fruit consumption increases with age, education, and income. Some regional differences were also seen.

Related Relevant Population Characteristics Indicators:

Risk Factors

There is some evidence that people who form the habit of eating fruits and vegetables early in life are likely to maintain the behavior as adults.[[br]] [[br]]

Related Risk Factors Indicators:

Health Status Outcomes

People who eat few fruits and vegetables are at higher risk for developing several types of cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other chronic diseases.

Related Health Status Outcomes Indicators:

Graphical Data Views

Fruit Consumed Two or More Times per Day Utah and U.S., 2011-2021

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confidence limits

Due to changes in both sampling and the fruit consumption question format, 2011 data should not be compared to previous years. In 2012, Utah added the question on fruit consumption. This question was not available in the U.S. data set for 2012, thus, there is no value for U.S. in 2012.
BRFSS Utah vs. U.S.YearAge-adjusted Percentage of AdultsLower LimitUpper Limit
Record Count: 13
UT New Methodology201133.9%32.8%34.9%
UT New Methodology201225.0%23.0%27.1%
UT New Methodology201334.2%33.2%35.3%
UT New Methodology201529.8%28.8%30.9%
UT New Methodology201734.7%33.5%35.9%
UT New Methodology201930.6%29.6%31.7%
UT New Methodology202132.2%29.7%34.9%
US New Methodology201130.8%30.6%31.1%
US New Methodology201330.1%29.8%30.4%
US New Methodology201528.8%28.5%29.1%
US New Methodology201733.2%32.9%33.5%
US New Methodology201930.1%29.8%30.5%
US New Methodology202128.6%28.2%28.9%

Data Notes

U.S. data do not include U.S. territories, but do include District of Columbia. Age-adjusted to U.S. 2000 standard population.

Data Sources

  • The Utah Department of Health and Human Services Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
  • Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey Data, US Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Fruit Consumed Two or More Times per Day by Race, Utah Adults Age 18+, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021

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confidence limits

Four years of data were combined to produce reliable estimates.
Race/Ethnicity group dataAge-adjusted Percentage of AdultsLower LimitUpper Limit
Record Count: 7
American Indian/Alaskan Native40.0%29.4%51.5%
Black/African American15.2%8.2%26.5%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander31.3%19.0%46.9%
All Races/Ethnicities35.5%34.2%36.7%

Data Notes

Age-adjusted to U.S. 2000 standard population based on 3 age groups: 18-34, 35-49, and 50+..

Data Source

The Utah Department of Health and Human Services Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

Fruit Consumed Two or More Times per Day by Ethnicity, Utah Adults Age 18+, 2021

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confidence limits

There is little difference in the rates of fruit consumption by ethnicity.
Hispanic EthnicityAge-adjusted Percentage of AdultsLower LimitUpper Limit
Record Count: 3
All Ethnicities32.2%29.7%34.9%

Data Notes

Age-adjusted to U.S. 2000 standard population.

Data Source

The Utah Department of Health and Human Services Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

Fruit Consumed Two or More Times per Day by Age and Sex, Utah, 2021

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confidence limits

Rates shown are crude rates. Females have higher rates of consuming fruit two or more times a day compared to males across every age group. The overall crude rate for consuming fruit 2 or more times a day in 2021 was 29.0% (not shown in the table).
Males vs. FemalesAge GroupPercentage of AdultsLower LimitUpper Limit
Record Count: 12

Data Source

The Utah Department of Health and Human Services Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

Fruit Consumed Two or More Times per Day by Local Health District, Utah, 2019 & 2021

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confidence limits

Fruit consumption varies by local health district. The rate for Davis County Health District was statistically significantly higher than the state rate.
Local Health DistrictAge-adjusted Percentage of Adults 18+Lower LimitUpper LimitNote
Record Count: 14
Bear River36.1%29.1%43.7%
Davis County40.3%34.4%46.6%Higher than the state
Salt Lake County32.0%29.0%35.1%
San Juan31.6%19.4%47.1%
Utah County32.7%29.2%36.4%
State of Utah33.0%31.2%34.8%

Data Notes

Age-adjusted to U.S. 2000 standard population.

Data Sources

  • The Utah Department of Health and Human Services Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
  • Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey Data, US Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Fruit Consumed Two or More Times per Day by Utah Small Area, Adults Age 18+, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021

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confidence limits

Utah Small AreasAge-adjusted Percentage of AdultsLower LimitUpper LimitNote
Record Count: 100
Brigham City34.1%22.9%47.4%
Box Elder Co (Other) V252.7%34.8%70.0%
Logan V237.9%30.6%45.9%
North Logan33.1%22.7%45.3%
Cache (Other)/Rich (All) V239.5%29.4%50.6%
Hyrum27.0%15.2%43.3%Interpret with caution
Ben Lomond30.8%23.6%39.0%
Weber County (East)34.1%24.7%44.9%
Morgan County59.8%38.6%77.9%Higher than the state
Ogden (Downtown)27.6%20.0%36.8%
South Ogden29.6%21.2%39.7%
Clearfield Area/Hooper38.4%31.0%46.3%
Layton/South Weber38.5%32.2%45.3%
Kaysville/Fruit Heights40.3%29.7%52.0%
North Salt Lake28.4%15.5%46.1%
Woods Cross/West Bountiful52.6%36.5%68.1%Higher than the state
Bountiful49.5%39.9%59.0%Higher than the stat
SLC (Rose Park)32.4%22.8%43.7%
SLC (Avenues)32.1%20.7%46.0%
SLC (Foothill/East Bench)51.8%37.1%66.2%Higher than the stae
SLC (Glendale) V242.9%28.7%58.3%
West Valley (Center)32.8%24.5%42.5%
West Valley (West) V234.0%21.7%48.8%
West Valley (East) V228.0%20.4%37.0%
SLC (Downtown) V223.5%16.2%32.8%Lower than the state
SLC (Southeast Liberty)38.8%26.8%52.5%
South Salt Lake29.3%18.5%43.0%
SLC (Sugar House)40.0%29.7%51.3%
Millcreek (South)38.7%24.9%54.6%
Millcreek (East)34.0%21.8%48.7%
Holladay V242.2%29.7%55.8%
Kearns V221.0%13.1%32.0%Lower than the state
Taylorsville (E)/Murray (W)30.8%22.9%39.9%
Taylorsville (West)32.2%24.0%41.7%
West Jordan (Northeast) V231.9%22.5%43.2%
West Jordan (Southeast)36.2%27.1%46.5%
West Jordan (W)/Copperton38.0%29.0%48.0%
South Jordan V236.2%28.3%44.9%
Sandy (West)44.4%32.5%57.1%
Sandy (Center) V244.7%32.5%57.6%
Sandy (Northeast)37.1%26.0%49.8%
Sandy (Southeast)37.6%25.6%51.4%
Tooele County (Other)36.5%24.0%51.1%
Tooele Valley32.1%24.9%40.3%
Eagle Mountain/Cedar Valley29.0%20.5%39.3%
Saratoga Springs32.3%23.1%43.0%
American Fork40.6%31.2%50.7%
Pleasant Grove/Lindon42.0%33.6%50.8%
Orem (North)45.1%35.4%55.2%
Orem (West)34.6%25.9%44.5%
Orem (East)35.6%25.1%47.6%
Provo (West City Center)38.9%29.7%49.0%
Provo (East City Center)34.6%23.4%47.8%
Salem City41.9%31.3%53.3%Interpret with caution
Spanish Fork33.9%26.2%42.7%
Utah County (South) V245.5%29.1%62.9%
Park City46.7%33.9%59.9%
Summit County (East)40.4%29.0%52.9%
Wasatch County44.9%35.5%54.7%
Daggett and Uintah County32.6%26.3%39.6%
Duchesne County34.7%26.2%44.3%
Sanpete Valley34.6%25.1%45.6%
Central (Other)29.9%21.3%40.3%
Carbon County29.4%20.3%40.4%
Emery County47.4%33.4%61.8%
Grand County41.4%27.7%56.6%
San Juan County (Other)42.3%30.7%54.8%Interpret with caution
St. George36.3%29.4%43.7%
Washington Co (Other) V231.2%17.4%49.3%
Washington City37.5%23.8%53.6%
Hurricane/La Verkin28.9%18.7%41.7%
Ivins/Santa Clara28.9%15.4%47.6%Interpret with caution
Cedar City30.9%22.8%40.5%
Southwest LHD (Other)26.3%17.7%37.2%
State of Utah35.7%34.6%36.8%

Data Notes

Age-adjusted to U.S. 2000 standard population. Note that the state rate in this view represents five years of data combined. A description of the Utah Small Areas may be found on the Methodology and Guidelines page: [].

Data Source

The Utah Department of Health and Human Services Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

Fruit Consumed Two or More Times per Day by Income, Utah, 2021

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confidence limits

Highest consumption is seen in households earning $75,000 or more annually.
Income CategoryAge-adjusted Percentage of AdultsLower LimitUpper Limit
Record Count: 5

Data Notes

Age-adjusted to U.S. 2000 standard population.

Data Source

The Utah Department of Health and Human Services Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

Fruit Consumed Two or More Times per Day by Education, Utah, 2021

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confidence limits

College graduates and those with some post high school education reported eating fruit at least two times per day more than those with lower levels of education
Education LevelAge-adjusted Percentage of Adults 25 +Lower LimitUpper Limit
Record Count: 5
Less Than High School31.0%19.3%45.7%
H.S. Grad or G.E.D.27.4%21.6%34.1%
Some Post High School33.5%28.6%38.7%
College Graduate38.3%34.1%42.7%

Data Notes

Age-adjusted to U.S. 2000 standard population. Percentages include only adults aged 25 or older.

Data Source

The Utah Department of Health and Human Services Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

References and Community Resources

CDC. ''Can eating fruits and vegetables help people to manage their weight?'' (Research to Practice Series No. 1) [Online Access] [][[br]] World Cancer Research Fund, American Institute for Cancer Research. 'Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer: a Global Perspective" October 2018. [Online Access] [] [[br]] Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 [h Healthy Environments Active Living Program, Utah Department of Health[[br]] [] Produce for Better Health, Fruits & Veggies--More Matters [] National Fruit and Vegetable Alliance [,vegetables%20for%20improved%20public%20health]

More Resources and Links

Evidence-based community health improvement ideas and interventions may be found at the following sites:

Additional indicator data by state and county may be found on these Websites:

Medical literature can be queried at the PubMed website.

Page Content Updated On 11/01/2022, Published on 12/20/2022
The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health's Center for Health Data IBIS-PH web site ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Wed, 11 September 2024 7:47:49 from Utah Department of Health, Center for Health Data, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health Web site: ".

Content updated: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 10:27:17 MDT