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Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH Indicator Report Owners and Editors

The indicator owners and editors are responsible for maintaining all the Indicator Report information. Contact information can be found in the indicator footers.

Indicator Report Owners and Editors
Akanksha Acharya Melissa Dimond Rich Lakin Jessica Payne
Barbara Algarin Brook Dorff Sam LeFevre Dean Penovich
Hayder Allkhenfr Carmen Drury Natalie Loots Christina Perry
Felicia Alvarez McKell Drury Jacqueline Macias Sterling Petersen
Rachel Ashby Janae Duncan Lynne MacLeod Dallin Peterson
Robyn Atkinson Jeffrey Eason Jewel Maeda Lauren Radcliffe
Krysta Badger Luke Edvalson Michelle Martin Brenda Ralls
Laurie Baksh Cassandra Fairclough Keegan McCaffrey Brian Roach
Meghan Balough Deanna Ferrell Jessica McClellan Stephanie Robinson
Bree Barbeau Anna Fondario Matt McCord Cynthia Robison
Wei Beadles Navina Forsythe Matt McCullough Camille Roundy
Brad Belnap Jennifer Franchow Kimberly McNamara Kristy Russell
Nicole Bissonette Michael Friedrichs Joyce McStotts Heather Sarin
Claudia Bohner Rebecca Fronberg Stephanie McVicar Amelia Self
Simon Bolivar Chris Furner Lynn Meinor Nichole Shepard
Heather Borski Stephanie George Kim Michelson Yanling Shi
Gay Brogdon Elizabeth Gerke Holli Mills Cristy Sneddon
Brittany Brown Colton Gordon Gary Mower Joannah Sparks
Cindy Burnett Maggie Graul Allyn Nakashima Nicole Stone
Jerry Carlile Jordan Green Amy Nance Holly Uphold
Danielle Conlon Phil Gresham Pat Nechodom Shelly Wagstaff
Phyllis Crowley Kim Hart Kim Neerings Megan Waters
Kailah Davis Shaheen Hossain Chris Nelson Corryn Wermel
Kenny Davis MaryAnne Hunter Brittney Okada Scott White
Delaney Dean Caitlyn Jasumback Matthew Orbain Greg Williams
Rebecca Dick Jane Johnson Nickee Palacios Robbin Williams
Dulce Diez Mark E. Jones Kathy Paras Tong Zheng
Anna Dillingham Lisa Kane

Content updated: October 2019
The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH website ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Thu, 06 March 2025 8:55:52 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health website: ".

Content updated: Mon, 3 Mar 2025 14:25:30 MST