Nonfatal Injury Emergency Department Encounter Query Module Configuration Selection
Click on either the Quick Selection or Advanced Selection bar to see a list of measures available. Use the hierarchical folder tree to navigate to the query module that will meet your needs. To see folder contents, click on the folder icon. Clicking on the folder again will hide the menu folder contents. When you click on the text link, it will take you to the query module. For further explanation on the modules, click on the "Help" button to the right.ICD-9-CM Injury Data
This IBIS-PH module queries injury data only. Data in this module are consistent with the injury case definitions found in the Consensus Recommendations for Using Hospital Discharge Data for Injury Surveillance (2003) developed by the State and Territorial Injury Program Directors Association (STIPDA) Injury Surveillance Workgroup, available at [] (see pages 7-11).ICD-10-CM Injury Data
This IBIS-PH module queries injury data only. Injury causes (step 2) and injury intention (step 3) in this module are consistent with the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists ICD-10-CM Injury Surveilance Toolkit, available at [].
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!*!*!*!*!*!*!*POPULATION DATA ALERT!*!*!*!*!*!*!*[[br]]
On August 21, 2024, population estimates for 2020 and later have been updated to IBIS Version 2023. For more information,
go to [].
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.- Count of In-patient Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
ED Inpatient Admissions versus HDDB Inpatients
The HDDB includes all inpatient hospital admissions, some of which come from the ED, and others do not. There is a subset of patients, those who come in through the ED and are later admitted as an inpatient, who are in both datasets. - Crude Rates - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
- Age-adjusted Rates - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
Length of Stay in Days
Total days stayed in hospital form the date of admission to the date of discharge.- Total Length of Stay in Days (sum) - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Length of Stay in Days - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Length of Stay in Days - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - Injury ED Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - ED Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.- Count of In-patient Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
ED Inpatient Admissions versus HDDB Inpatients
The HDDB includes all inpatient hospital admissions, some of which come from the ED, and others do not. There is a subset of patients, those who come in through the ED and are later admitted as an inpatient, who are in both datasets. - Crude Rates - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
- Age-adjusted Rates - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
Length of Stay in Days
Total days stayed in hospital form the date of admission to the date of discharge.- Total Length of Stay in Days (sum) - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Length of Stay in Days - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Length of Stay in Days - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - Injury ED Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - ED Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.- Count of In-patient Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
ED Inpatient Admissions versus HDDB Inpatients
The HDDB includes all inpatient hospital admissions, some of which come from the ED, and others do not. There is a subset of patients, those who come in through the ED and are later admitted as an inpatient, who are in both datasets. - Crude Rates - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
- Age-adjusted Rates - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
Length of Stay in Days
Total days stayed in hospital form the date of admission to the date of discharge.- Total Length of Stay in Days (sum) - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Length of Stay in Days - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Length of Stay in Days - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - Injury ED Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - ED Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.- Count of In-patient Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
ED Inpatient Admissions versus HDDB Inpatients
The HDDB includes all inpatient hospital admissions, some of which come from the ED, and others do not. There is a subset of patients, those who come in through the ED and are later admitted as an inpatient, who are in both datasets. - Crude Rates - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
- Age-adjusted Rates - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
Length of Stay in Days
Total days stayed in hospital form the date of admission to the date of discharge.- Total Length of Stay in Days (sum) - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Length of Stay in Days - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Length of Stay in Days - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - ED Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - ED Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - ED EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - ED Treat and Release Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.- Count of In-patient Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
ED Inpatient Admissions versus HDDB Inpatients
The HDDB includes all inpatient hospital admissions, some of which come from the ED, and others do not. There is a subset of patients, those who come in through the ED and are later admitted as an inpatient, who are in both datasets. - Crude Rates - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
- Age-adjusted Rates - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
Length of Stay in Days
Total days stayed in hospital form the date of admission to the date of discharge.- Total Length of Stay in Days (sum) - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Length of Stay in Days - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Length of Stay in Days - Admissions from ED Nonfatal Injury EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.Charges, Costs, Expenditures
Charges are what is on the hospital bill. Not all charges get paid. For instance, oftentimes, Medicaid or an insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the charges, and then the hospital has to write off the rest. Charges are what is on the UB92 billing form, and is the only piece of information we have access to. Costs are harder to measure and not available. Expenditures are bound to be less than charges.- Total Charges (sum) - ED Encounters
Sum of Charges or Length of Stay in Days
Sum of Charges (sum):Sum of all hospital charges for selected inpatient hospitalizations or ED encounters.
Total Length of Stay in Days (sum): Sum of all days persons were hospitalized for selected inpatient hospitalizations. - Average Charge - ED Encounters
Average Charges or Average Length of Stay in Days
Average Charges: Sum of total charges divided by number of releases or encounters.
Average Length of Stay in Days: Average number of days each individual was hospitalized for selected cause. Median
The median is the midpoint value of a specific dataset. For example, the median age - or the age at which half the population is older and half is younger - is an indicator of the age composition of a population.Median Charge - ED EncountersWhen to Use Median
The median is a measure of central tendency that is not sensitive to extreme values. For instance, with hospital charges, there is a fixed "floor" value of zero, but on the other end, there will be a few very large values that will drive up the mean. The median is the 50th percentile, and is not sensitive to extreme values, so with data like charges, the median is a better measure of central tendency.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.
ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.ED Treat and Release, Inpatient Admissions, and All Ecounters
Treat and Release: A patient that visits the ED, but is not admitted to the hospital as an inpatient. The patient does not stay overnight and is not admitted to another department of the hospital.
Treat and Admit (Inpatient Admissions): An ED patient that later become and inpatient. An inpatient stay involves and overnight stay and admission to another department of the hospital, such as the ICU.
All ED Encounters: All ED encounters includes all treat and release patients and all inpatient admissions through the ED.