Infant Mortality Query Module Configuration Selection
Click on either the Quick Selection or Advanced Selection bar to see a list of measures available. Use the hierarchical folder tree to navigate to the query module that will meet your needs. To see folder contents, click on the folder icon. Clicking on the folder again will hide the menu folder contents. When you click on the text link, it will take you to the query module. For further explanation on the modules, click on the "Help" button to the right.- Infant Mortality Rate (Age 364 Days or Less)
Infant Mortality Definitions
Infant Mortality (Death Data Only): The number of infant deaths during the year per 1,000 live births during the same year. - Neonatal Mortality Rate (Age 0-27 Days)
- Postneonatal Mortality Rate (Age 28-364 Days)
- Infant Mortality Rate by Major Causes (Age 364 Days or Less) 1999 and Later
Infant Mortality Birth Cohort Definitions
Birth-Death Linked Infant Mortality (Birth Cohort): The number of infant deaths among infants born in a given calendar year per 1,000 live births during the same calendar year. The individual infant death records are linked to the birth records, so that characteristics of the infant and mother may be analyzed. The numerator for the birth cohort linked file consists of deaths to infants born in a given year. In both cases, the denominator is all births occurring in the year.Infant Mortality Death Cohort or Period File Definitions
Birth-Death Linked Infant Mortality (Death Cohort, or Period File): The number of infant deaths during the year per 1,000 live births during the same year. The individual infant death records are linked to the birth records, so that characteristics of the infant and mother may be analyzed. The numerator for the period linked file consists of all infant deaths occurring in a given data year linked to their corresponding birth certificates, whether the birth occurred in that year or the previous year.