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Alphabetical health indicator report selection list

Welcome to the alphabetical selection list of all available health indicator reports. To view a health indicator report, click on the item's title located in the following list. The health indicator report by category selection index provides a hierarchical selection menu that organizes the health indicator reports by category.

Health indicator reportPublished date
Record count: 189
Activity Limitation in the Past 30 Days04/17/2024
Adolescent births10/04/2024
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)03/15/2024
Air Quality: Ozone11/01/2022
Air Quality: Particulate Matter (PM2.5)11/01/2022
Alcohol Consumption - Binge Drinking03/26/2024
Alcohol Consumption - Heavy Drinking03/26/2024
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias11/15/2021
Arthritis and activity limitation10/17/2024
Arthritis and poor mental health10/17/2024
Arthritis prevalence10/23/2024
Asthma Hospitalizations09/11/2024
Asthma management10/01/2024
Asthma-related Emergency Department (ED) Visits09/11/2024
Asthma: Adult Prevalence09/24/2024
Asthma: Child Prevalence08/06/2024
Birth defects: infant mortality10/08/2024
Birth defects: overall10/08/2024
Birth rates10/03/2024
Births from unintended pregnancies09/10/2024
Bladder Cancer04/08/2024
Blood Cholesterol Screening07/26/2024
Blood Cholesterol: Doctor-diagnosed High Cholesterol09/10/2024
Blood Lead in Adults03/03/2021
Blood Lead in Children12/03/2021
Blood Pressure: Doctor-diagnosed Hypertension07/26/2024
Breast Cancer Deaths04/12/2024
Breast Cancer Incidence05/31/2024
Breast Cancer Screening (Mammography)04/11/2024
Breastfeeding (ever)10/08/2024
Breastfeeding at 1 year10/08/2024
Breastfeeding at 3 months and 6 months10/08/2024
Cancer Deaths09/10/2024
Cancer of the Brain and Central Nervous System04/08/2024
Carbon Monoxide Deaths02/18/2022
Carbon Monoxide: Hospitalizations and Emergency Department (ED) Visits01/13/2022
Carbon Monoxide: Poison Control Exposures02/18/2022
Cervical Cancer Death04/15/2024
Cervical Cancer Incidence09/10/2024
Cervical Cancer Screening (Pap)02/26/2024
Cesarean delivery among low risk women with no prior births07/25/2024
Child Care Numbers of Facilities01/13/2022
Child emotional abuse, self-reported06/15/2023
Child injury deaths03/04/2024
Child physical abuse, self-reported06/15/2023
Child sexual abuse, self-reported06/21/2023
Chlamydia cases07/22/2024
Climate Change: Greenhouse Gases07/07/2022
Climate Effects on Health: Temperature06/08/2021
Colorectal Cancer Deaths04/22/2024
Colorectal Cancer Incidence05/31/2024
Colorectal Cancer Screening04/22/2024
Community Design: Types of Transportation to Work03/30/2022
Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection and Hearing Loss03/12/2024
Cost as a Barrier to Health Care07/26/2024
Critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) screening10/03/2024
DHHS Support for Local Emergency Medical Services (EMS)12/05/2023
Daily fruit consumption10/23/2024
Daily vegetable consumption10/23/2024
Deaths From All Causes11/14/2022
Deaths due to Diabetes as Underlying Cause07/26/2024
Dental Caries Experience: Children Aged 6-912/22/2020
Dental Disease: Untreated Decay in Children Aged 6-902/04/2021
Dental Sealants: Children Age 6-902/04/2021
Depression: Adult Prevalence03/22/2024
Diabetes Prevalence03/28/2024
Diabetes as Primary Diagnosis for Hospitalization03/28/2024
Diabetes hemoglobin A1C tests10/08/2024
Diabetes: gestational diabetes09/27/2024
Disability prevalence10/22/2024
Domestic Violence During the Perinatal Time Period07/26/2024
Drinking Water: Arsenic05/20/2021
Drinking Water: Atrazine05/20/2021
Drinking Water: DEHP (Di [2-Ethylhexyl] phthalate)05/20/2021
Drinking Water: Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs)05/20/2021
Drinking Water: Nitrates05/20/2021
Drinking Water: PCE (Tetrachloroethene)05/20/2021
Drinking Water: Public Water Use05/20/2021
Drinking Water: Radium05/20/2021
Drinking Water: TCE (Trichloroethene)05/20/2021
Drinking Water: Uranium05/20/2021
Drug Overdose and Poisoning Incidents03/28/2024
EMS response time09/30/2024
Electronic Cigarettes / Vape Products07/26/2024
Environmental Burden of Childhood Diseases03/30/2022
Fair/poor health10/22/2024
Fall injury (unintentional)10/08/2024
Family meals10/18/2024
Foodborne Illness - Campylobacter Infections03/06/2024
Foodborne Illness - Salmonella Infections03/06/2024
Foodborne Illness - Shiga Toxin-producing ''E. coli'' (STEC) Infections03/06/2024
General fertility rate10/02/2024
Gonorrhea Cases04/26/2024
HEDIS (Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set) Measures: Diabetes Care - Hemoglobin A1c (A1C)01/14/2022
HIV Infections07/25/2024
Hazardous Substance Releases04/09/2015
Health Insurance Coverage01/13/2022
Health status: mental health past 30 days10/22/2024
Health status: physical health past 30 days10/22/2024
Heart Attack: Hospitalizations04/17/2023
Hepatitis A Infections02/18/2022
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer11/14/2022
Immunizations: HPV, adolescents10/07/2024
Immunizations: influenza, adults10/22/2024
Immunizations: influenza, children and teens10/07/2024
Immunizations: pneumonia, adults10/07/2024
Immunizations: recommended immunizations by age 24 months10/08/2024
Infant mortality10/09/2024
Infant safe sleep10/09/2024
Infants and children enrolled on the WIC program who have an overweight BMI10/08/2024
Ischemic Heart Disease Deaths11/30/2022
Life expectancy at birth10/23/2024
Low hemoglobin levels in women enrolled in the Utah WIC program10/08/2024
Lung Cancer Deaths04/27/2022
Lung cancer incidence04/26/2024
Lynch Syndrome (Cancer)03/07/2022
Managed Care (CAHPS) Survey: Experience with Customer Service03/26/2024
Managed Care (CAHPS) Survey: Patient Ratings of Health Plan Experience03/26/2024
Marriage and divorce10/04/2024
Maternal mortality10/08/2024
Measles Infections10/21/2021
Medicaid Inflation01/08/2021
Medical Assistance Expenditures07/26/2024
Melanoma of the Skin Deaths04/25/2024
Melanoma of the Skin Incidence04/26/2024
Motor vehicle traffic crash deaths10/04/2024
Newborn Hearing Screening03/07/2024
Newborn Heelstick Screening01/05/2021
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma04/24/2024
Obesity among adults10/22/2024
Obesity among children and adolescents10/21/2024
Obesity prior to pregnancy09/30/2024
Overweight or obese10/22/2024
Parkinson's disease10/23/2024
Personal Doctor or Health Care Provider07/26/2024
Pertussis Cases06/25/2024
Physical activity among adolescents10/18/2024
Physical activity: recommended aerobic activity among adults10/22/2024
Physical activity: recommended muscle-strengthening among adults10/22/2024
Physician Supply05/07/2024
Postpartum depression08/01/2024
Prenatal care10/15/2024
Preterm birth10/22/2024
Prostate Cancer Deaths09/10/2024
Prostate Cancer Screening07/26/2024
Prostate cancer incidence02/07/2023
Recreational waterborne disease outbreaks (RWBDO)03/06/2024
Refugee Arrivals03/11/2024
Retail food safety10/09/2024
Routine Medical Care Visits07/26/2024
Routine dental health care visits10/04/2024
Severe maternal morbidity among hospital deliveries10/17/2024
Sex Ratio at Birth11/29/2018
Sexual Violence07/10/2024
Sleep-related sudden unexpected infant death (SUID)09/26/2023
Smoking Among Adolescents05/30/2024
Smoking Among Adults07/26/2024
Smoking in the third trimester of pregnancy09/27/2024
Stroke (Cerebrovascular Disease) Deaths11/10/2022
Student Injuries12/08/2023
Substance abuse (alcohol or marijuana) - adolescents10/16/2024
Syphilis Cases - Primary and Secondary05/21/2024
Telehealth utilization05/03/2023
Traumatic brain injury (TBI)10/08/2024
Treated with less respect when accessing healthcare11/01/2024
Tuberculosis (TB) Cases03/20/2024
Uninsured Children07/26/2024
Unintentional injury deaths10/08/2024
Utah Health Improvement Index (HII)07/26/2024
Utah Population Characteristics: Age Distribution of the Population02/21/2024
Utah Population Characteristics: Education Level in the Population01/03/2024
Utah Population Characteristics: Historical Population Estimates01/03/2024
Utah Population Characteristics: Household Income02/26/2024
Utah Population Characteristics: Household Structure02/14/2024
Utah Population Characteristics: Income per Capita01/08/2024
Utah Population Characteristics: Poverty, All Persons07/25/2024
Utah Population Characteristics: Poverty, Children Age 17 and Under07/25/2024
Utah Population Characteristics: Racial and Ethnic Composition of the Population05/07/2024
Very Preterm Birth03/03/2022
West Nile Virus Infections05/31/2024
Wildland Fires07/07/2022
Zoonotic Illnesses - Tularemia Cases03/11/2024

The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH website ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Thu, 27 March 2025 21:47:28 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health website: ".

Content updated: Thu, 6 Feb 2025 13:01:48 MST