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Utah Department of Health and Human Services data sets and contact list

Data set Description Data contact IBIS query
Air Quality Index The air quality index (AQI) is a measure used to indicate current and forecasted air quality conditions; it can also be used to help understand what local air quality conditions mean for human health. This query provides annual data for counties that have air quality monitors. Data can be queried as percent of monitored days by AQI category or maximum AQI value. Brandon Beagles
Environmental Epidemiology Program
All Payer Claims Data (APCD) Utah commercially licensed payers and Medicaid report information on their members' eligibilities and paid medical and pharmacy claims. Information on this data set can be found at Patrice Nicholes
Healthcare Information & Analysis Programs
American Community Survey (ACS) IBIS-Q contains selected variables from the ACS. IBIS ACS data was transformed from U.S. Census Bureau ACS data following ACS guideline. Tong Zheng
Division of Data, Systems, and Evaluation
Ambulatory Surgery Records Utah licensed ambulatory surgery centers report information on each outpatient surgery. Information on this data set can be found at Patrice Nicholes
Healthcare Information & Analysis Programs
Autism and Developmental Disabilities Data Under the Rule R398-10, URADD uses a passive, population-based system to identify persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Developmental Disability (ASD/DD) based on a medical diagnosis and/or special education eligibility. Colin Kingsbury
Office of Children with Special Health Care Needs
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Telephone survey conducted yearly. Collects information on preventive health practices, risk behaviors, and health care access. Information about this data set can be found at: Shige Onda
Office of Research and Evaluation
Birth Certificate A Certificate of Live Birth form is completed for all births occurring in Utah. A sample of the form can be found in Appendix A of each Utah's Vital Statistics: Births and Deaths annual report at Yanling Shi
Office of Vital Records and Statistics
Birth Defect The Utah Birth Defect Network (UBDN) tracks all major structural birth defects by collecting information about children born in Utah with birth defects. Once the UBDN receives a report of a birth defect, a UBDN staff member goes out to the reporting facility and collects information from the medical records of the infant and the mother. Stephanie Pocius
Utah Birth Defect Network
Blood Lead Level The Utah Blood Lead Registry (UBLR) identifies Utah residents with elevated blood lead levels and provides risk assessment to limit and remove the risk of lead exposure. It also serves as a data and educational resource for health care providers, local health departments, and researchers. The UBLR also provides blood lead data to national, state, and local agencies to generate statistics and identify high risk areas. Mark E. Jones
Environmental Epidemiology Program
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Database The Utah Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening Program provides breast and cervical cancer screening services to women eligible under the Breast and Cervical Cancer Mortality Prevention Act of 1990. This database contains the screening and diagnostic information, along with patient identifiable information, for the period these women were screened through the program. Patients found to have cancer under this Act and who are eligible for Medicaid are transitioned into Medicaid. Those not eligible for Medicaid are navigated into charity care. This database is linked yearly to the Utah Cancer Registry. Marie Nagata
Utah Cancer Programs
385-465-5949 or 801-538-6519
Cancer Registry Data come from the Utah Cancer Registry (UCR), a population-based cancer registry that collects and maintains cancer data on behalf of the Utah Department of Health and Human Services. UCR promotes public health in Utah by collecting data that allow for the monitoring of incidence and mortality trends and evaluation of prevention and control measures. See for more information. Jennifer Doherty
Utah Cancer Registry
Communicable Diseases Disease incidence data derived from Utah's National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS) database. Allows users to query disease incidence over specified time periods. Pamela Gomez Pinedo and Denise Larson
DREAM Program
Congenital Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection and Hearing Loss Every year, more than 40,000 women in the US experience CMV infection during pregnancy. 1 in 200 babies is born with congenital CMV infection (cCMV) with 20% experiencing significant consequences including neurologic, vision or hearing damage. Congenital CMV is the leading cause of non-genetic pediatric hearing loss. In 2013, Utah passed a law mandating cCMV testing after failing newborn hearing screening. This data reflects compliance with this testing mandate. Stephanie McVicar
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Program
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) CAHPS measures enrollees' satisfaction with their health plan. The data are collected from surveys administered annually. Adult surveys are administered in even-numbered years and child surveys are administered in odd-numbered years. Data are available for Medicaid, commercial, and CHIP health plans. Information on this data set can be found at Patrice Nicholes
Healthcare Information & Analysis Programs
COVID-19 Case and laboratory data that can be queried is available on IBIS. More information on COVID-19 case-counts and other resources can be found at Rachelle Boulton
Division of Population Health Informatics Program (DPHIP)
Death Certificate A Certificate of Death form is completed for all deaths occurring in Utah. A sample of the form can be found in Appendix A of each Utah's Vital Statistics: Births and Deaths annual report at Yanling Shi
Office of Vital Records and Statistics
Emergency Department Encounters Utah licensed hospitals report information on emergency department patient encounters. Information on this data set can be found at Patrice Nicholes
Healthcare Information & Analysis Programs
Fetal Mortality A Fetal Death Certificate form is completed for a) each result of non-live birth of 20 weeks' gestation or more, calculated from the date the last normal menstrual period began to the date of delivery; and b) that was not born alive. A sample of the form can be found in Appendix A of each Utah's Vital Statistics: Births and Deaths annual report at Yanling Shi
Office of Vital Records and Statistics
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Utah licensed hospitals report the Healthcare-Associated Infections to DHHS. DHHS publishes annual reports on hospital performance. April Clements
Healthcare Acquired Infections Program
Health Plan Quality Data and Information Set (HEDIS) HEDIS indicators for Medicaid, commercial, and CHIP health plans in Utah. HEDIS is a report of the quality of care provided by a plan to its enrollees. Information on this data set can be found at Patrice Nicholes
Healthcare Information & Analysis Programs
Immunization Information System The Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS) collects the immunization histories from providers, health facilities, schools, data care centers, and pharmacies. Jon Reid
Immunization Program, USIIS Team
801 209-2838
Infant Mortality These data come from the Utah Death Certificate database. Infant Mortality provides the number of infant deaths during a year (regardless of birth year). The number of births in the year is used as a denominator. Modules include infant mortality (age 364 days or less), neonatal mortality (age 0-27 days), postneonatal mortality (age 28-364 days). Yanling Shi
Office of Vital Records and Statistics
Inpatient Hospital Discharges All licensed hospitals in Utah report data on inpatient hospital discharges. There may be a charge for use of the full data set. Information on this data set can be found at Patrice Nicholes
Healthcare Information & Analysis Programs
Laboratory Data The State Public Health Laboratory conducts tests for infectious disease, forensics/toxicology/chemistry. Data sets for Infectious Diseases, Forensic Toxicology, and Environmental Chemistry laboratories are not for external research use/purposes without a GRAMA request or submission to the IRB approval. Aaron Woolsey
UPHL Laboratory-wide
Medicaid Utilization Data Utah Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program's members' medical and pharmacy utilization data. Jason Stewart
National Toxic Substance Incidents Program The National Toxic Substance Incidents Program (NTSIP) actively collects information to describe the public health impact of acute hazardous substance releases. NTSIP defines hazardous substances emergency events as acute uncontrolled or illegal releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances. Data is organized by year, county, and substance category. Brandon Beagles
Environmental Epidemiology Program
Newborn Hearing Screening When children are identified as deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH) early and provided timely and appropriate intervention services, they have better outcomes than children identified later in life. All of the US states and territories strive to meet the national Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) 1-3-6 milestones. This data reflects Utah's achievement of these critical timelines: all infants undergo newborn hearing screening(s) before 1 months of age; those who fail undergo a diagnostic hearing test before 3 months of age; and, those diagnosed as DHH are enrolled in early interention services before 6 months of age. Stephanie McVicar
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Program
Newborn Heart Screening Newborn critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) screening using pulse oximetry data. Stephanie Pocius
Utah Birth Defect Network
Newborn Heelstick Screening Newborn heelstick screening data. Sabina Cook
UPHL Newborn Screening Laboratory
Parkinson's Disease Registry DHHS requires persons or organizations to report any Parkinson's Disease case information under the Rule 384-300. Sydnee Christiansen
Healthy Aging Program
Population for County and Local Health District (GOPB 1980-1999) The population estimates for years 1980-1999 were produced by the Utah Governor's Office of Planning and Budget (GOPB). Tong Zheng
Division of Data, Systems, and Evaluation
Population for County and Local Health District (NCHS 2000-2020) The U.S. Census Bureau annually releases unbridged population estimates for five-year age groups and race at the county level. The Census Bureau does not release bridged-race or unbridged estimates by single-year of age at the county level due to concerns about the reliability of these estimates. However, these estimates are provided to the National Center for Health Statistics to meet programmatic needs such as the creation of age groupings that differ from the standard groupings used by the Census Bureau. Users of the single-year-of-age county-level bridged race population estimates should carefully consider the limited reliability of these estimates. Tong Zheng
Division of Data, Systems, and Evaluation
Population for County and Local Health District (Kem C. Gardner 2010-current) The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute administers and chairs the Utah Population Committee, which is responsible for state and county-level population estimates that are updated annually. Tong Zheng
Division of Data, Systems, and Evaluation
Population for Utah Small Areas The population estimates were produced by staff in the Division of Data, Systems, and Evaluation. Linear interpolation of U.S. Census and ESRI ZIP Code data provided annual population estimates for ZIP Code areas by sex and age groups. All estimates were then weighted so that county totals matched the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) through a collaborative agreement with the U.S. Census Bureau (prior to 2020) or the Kem C. Gardner estimates (2020 and later). The county estimates which result from summing across all Small Areas within a county may not be an exact match with the estimates from the U.S. Census/Kem C. Gardner County level data set even through a weight has been applied to make the county level estimates match as close as possible. Tong Zheng
Division of Data, Systems, and Evaluation
Population for Race/Ethnicity Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin for Counties in Utah, U.S. Bureau of the Census. Tong Zheng
Division of Data, Systems, and Evaluation
Prehospital EMS data The prehospital (ambulance) data come from all emergency medical services (EMS) agencies licensed or designated to operate in Utah. Information on this data set can be found at Felicia Alvarez
Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness 801-641-9164
Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System (PRAMS) An ongoing, population-based risk factor surveillance system designed to identify and monitor selected maternal experiences that occur before, and during pregnancy and the child's early infancy among a stratified sample of mothers delivering a live birth. Danielle Uribe
Maternal and Infant Health
Radon Radon test kit results. Brandon Beagles
Environmental Epidemiology Program
SAIPE (Poverty 1-year estimates) The poverty data in this IBIS-Q query module have been extracted from the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (NEPHTN) API tool. The original source of the data is the U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (The U.S. Census Bureau refers to counties as a "Small Area"). Tong Zheng
Division of Data, Systems, and Evaluation
Smoke Days from Wildfires These smoke day counts are available by year and month. National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast Zones are used because of weather patterns and geological differences. Brandon Beagles
Environmental Epidemiology Program
Student Injury Reporting System The Student Injury Reporting System tracks injuries that occur while traveling to and from school and during school time or school-related activities. Meghan Balough
Violence and Injury Prevention Program
Trauma Registry The Trauma Registry comes from all acute care hospitals that operate in Utah. Each record represents a trauma patient who sustained an injury and met Utah's Trauma Registry inclusion criteria. Information on this data set can be found at Felicia Alvarez
Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness 801-641-9164
Utah Prevention Needs Assessment (PNA) The Student Health and Risk Prevention (SHARP) Prevention Needs Assessment (PNA) survey, adminstered to students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12, has been conducted every other year for the last 20 years. It asks questions about substance use; safe and healthy relationships; connection to family, school, and community; physical, social, and mental health; risky or harmful behaviors and what protects kids from these things. These data are available at the state and local health department level for 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students on IBIS. Additional information on the SHARP PNA survey can be found at Amanda Smith
Division of Population Health
Utah Violent Death Reporting System The UTVDRS is a surveillance system that collects detailed facts from different sources about the same incident (suicides, homicides, unintentional firearm deaths, deaths of undetermined intent, and drug overdoses). This information is collected from death certificates, medical examiner records, police reports, crime lab records, and supplemental homicide reports. Information on this data set can be found at Gary Mower
Violence and Injury Prevention Program
Water Average concentrations for 10 drinking water contaminants are based on samples taken from community water systems. Annual average concentrations are available for each community water system in the state. Data from seasonal and emergency sources are not included. Brandon Beagles
Environmental Epidemiology Program
Years of Potential Life Lost Years of potential life lost (YPLL) can be used to distinguish the burden of premature death in populations. Unlike crude and standard age-adjusted measures, YPLL emphasizes underlying causes of premature death in a population. When calculating YPLL, greater weight is given to deaths at a younger age, while no weight is given to deaths at an age of 75 years or older. Deaths at younger ages are more likely due to preventable causes and can be decreased by intervention and education efforts. Brandon Beagles
Environmental Epidemiology Program
Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Survey conducted every two years with a sample of 9th-12th grade students. Asks questions about health behaviors that can lead to poor health in students. Information on this data set can be found at Wei Beadles
Office of Health Promotion and Prevention

Content updated: February 2025
The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH website ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Fri, 28 March 2025 7:17:15 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health website: ".

Content updated: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 13:59:20 MDT