Available Services for Immunization - Influenza, adults
Available services for influenza include:
* All influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations are covered for seniors with Medicare Part B.
* Low-income and/or homeless adults can be immunized for a reduced fee based on income level at many Community Health Clinics.
* Adults who are not U.S. citizens may also receive lower cost immunizations based on their income level at many Community Health Clinics.
* Drive-by clinics are offered by some providers throughout the state for persons with limited physical mobility.
* Immunizations can also be given to the home-bound through many private providers and county services.
Call the Immunization Hotline at 1-800-275-0659 for a list of Community Health Clinics, County Health Departments, Aging Services, and other providers who can assist you. Additionally, information about influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations can be found on the Utah Immunization Program website at: [https://immunize.utah.gov].