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Complete Health Indicator Report of Child injury deaths


Injury deaths among children aged 0-17 due to all causes per 100,000 children (ICD-10 codes V01-Y36, Y85-Y87, Y89, *U01-*U03)


Number of injury deaths among children aged 0-17 (ICD-10 codes V01-Y36, Y85-Y87, Y89, *U01-*U03)


Total number of children aged 0-17 in the Utah population

Why Is This Important?

The death of a child is a tragedy for families and communities. Injury deaths are mostly preventable, yet they continue to account for the majority of child deaths (1-17) and a substantial portion of infant deaths (<1). From 2013 to 2022, injury deaths accounted for 1,077 (27.5%) of the 4,286 deaths among children aged 0-17. In addition to these deaths, thousands of other children were injured and treated in hospitals, doctor's offices, clinics, emergency departments, homes, schools, and work sites. From 2013 to 2022, the leading causes of injury death for children aged 0-17 in Utah were unintentional motor vehicle crashes, suffocation (suicides), self-inflicted firearms wounds (suicides), unintentional suffocation (infant safe sleep-related), and unintentional drowning/submersion. Preventing child injury deaths and ensuring safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for every child should always be a continued priority. Achieving this requires support from all levels of the socioecological model. Individuals, families, schools, neighbors, communities, and policymakers all have responsibilities in keeping Utah children safe and thriving. Safe behaviors should be taught, modeled, and enforced, safety equipment should be readily available, understood, and required, and every child should feel the support of caring adults around them to turn to in a crisis. High-priority prevention areas include suicide prevention, motor vehicle safety, safe sleep education, and firearm safety.

How Do We Compare With the U.S.?

According to national WISQARS data, the crude rate of child injury death in Utah (0-17) was lower than the national rate (11.66 vs 12.4 per 100,000) from 2012-2021.

What Is Being Done?

The Utah Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Violence and Injury Prevention Program (VIPP) organizes the Child Fatality Review Committee (CFRC) a prevention-focused review of all child injury deaths in the state. Reports are released annually with data and recommendations for the prevention of child injury death that can be found on the VIPP website, [[br]][].

Available Services

Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Violence and Injury Prevention Program [[br]]801-538-6141 [[br]][] Utah Poison Control Center [[br]]801-581-7504 (for general information) [[br]]1-800-222-1222 (emergency hotline) [[br]][] Use Only As Directed [[br]][] Utah Fire Marshal [[br]]801-284-6350 [[br]][] Utah SAFE KIDS Coalition [[br]]801-538-6852 [[br]][] Primary Children's Hospital [[br]]801-662-1000 [[br]][] Utah Office of Highway Safety [[br]]801-293-2480 [[br]][] Utah Safety Council [[br]]801-262-5400 [[br]][] Utah AAA [[br]]801-364-5615 [[br]][] ===National Resources:=== National Center for Injury Prevention and Control [[br]][] National Highway Transportation Safety Administration [[br]][] National SAFE KIDS Campaign [[br]][] Children's Safety Network [[br]][] U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission [[br]][] [[br]] ==Health Program Information== The VIPP collaborates with the Utah Office of Highway Safety, the Zero Fatalities campaign, and local health departments to conduct educational campaigns that target 16- to 19-year-old drivers, young pedestrians, law enforcement, etc. as funding allows. The Utah SAFE KIDS Coalition works to prevent unintentional injuries among children through raising community awareness, influencing policies, promoting safety, and establishing private/public partnerships. Inspections and instructions on the proper use of car seats, booster seats, and bicycle helmets are offered routinely to the public with car seat checkpoints and helmet education and distribution statewide. The Violence and Injury Prevention Program (VIPP) is a trusted and comprehensive resource for data related to violence and injury. Through education, this information helps promote partnerships and programs to prevent injuries and improve public health and safety.

Related Indicators

Related Relevant Population Characteristics Indicators:

Related Health Care System Factors Indicators:

Related Risk Factors Indicators:

Related Health Status Outcomes Indicators:

Graphical Data Views

Child Injury Death Rate by Year, Utah and U.S. Children Aged 0-17, 1999-2022

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Over the last 23 years of comparable data, the Utah rate of child injury death has mostly stayed lower than the national rate. From 1999 to 2022 the Utah rate of child injury death decreased by 16.6%, while the national rate between 1999 and 2021 decreased by 15.7%. Utah reached its lowest rate of child injury death in 2012. Since 2012, however, the rate has increased by 22.2%, mostly due to an increase in youth suicide.
Injury Deaths vs. All DeathsYearDeaths per 100,000 PopulationLower LimitUpper LimitNumer- atorDenom- inator
Record Count: 47
UT Injury Deaths199914.511.817.5103712,040
UT Injury Deaths200015.813.019.0114721,686
UT Injury Deaths200114.011.417.0102726,819
UT Injury Deaths200217.714.821.0130733,517
UT Injury Deaths200314.712.117.8109740,483
UT Injury Deaths200416.013.219.1120751,771
UT Injury Deaths200515.412.718.4118767,888
UT Injury Deaths200613.210.816.0104789,957
UT Injury Deaths200714.011.516.8114815,496
UT Injury Deaths200812.810.515.4107837,258
UT Injury Deaths200911.29.113.796857,853
UT Injury Deaths201011.89.614.3103874,053
UT Injury Deaths201113.311.015.9117882,131
UT Injury Deaths20129.97.912.288888,853
UT Injury Deaths201310.28.312.692897,827
UT Injury Deaths201411.89.714.3107904,265
UT Injury Deaths201513.311.015.9121911,163
UT Injury Deaths201611.99.814.4110921,281
UT Injury Deaths201712.19.914.5112928,062
UT Injury Deaths201811.08.913.3102930,162
UT Injury Deaths201910.88.813.1100929,940
UT Injury Deaths202011.49.313.7108949,317
UT Injury Deaths202111.69.513.9110951,528
UT Injury Deaths202212.110.014.5115953,792
U.S. Injury Deaths199917.216.917.512,35571,946,049
U.S. Injury Deaths200016.616.417.012,04072,293,812
U.S. Injury Deaths200116.115.816.411,73172,671,175
U.S. Injury Deaths200216.215.916.411,78372,936,457
U.S. Injury Deaths200315.515.215.811,31673,100,758
U.S. Injury Deaths200416.015.716.311,71673,297,735
U.S. Injury Deaths200515.515.215.811,36973,523,669
U.S. Injury Deaths200615.215.015.511,24573,757,714
U.S. Injury Deaths200714.914.615.211,03974,019,405
U.S. Injury Deaths200813.713.414.010,14874,104,602
U.S. Injury Deaths200912.812.513.09,48174,134,167
U.S. Injury Deaths201012.211.912.49,02874,181,467
U.S. Injury Deaths201112.011.712.28,86373,934,272
U.S. Injury Deaths201211.811.512.08,66373,728,088
U.S. Injury Deaths201311.411.211.68,38673,585,872
U.S. Injury Deaths201411.411.111.68,35773,585,618
U.S. Injury Deaths201512.011.812.38,84773,642,285
U.S. Injury Deaths201612.512.212.89,20173,642,285
U.S. Injury Deaths201712.812.613.19,46473,655,378
U.S. Injury Deaths201812.211.912.48,95173,399,342
U.S. Injury Deaths201912.211.912.48,87573,039,150
U.S. Injury Deaths202013.513.313.89,84872,822,113
U.S. Injury Deaths202114.514.214.810,67973,566,433

Data Notes

ICD-10 codes V01-Y36, Y85-Y87, Y89, *U01-*U03. [[br]]ICD Stands for International Classification of Diseases. It is a coding system maintained by the World Health Organization and the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics used to classify causes of death on death certificates and diagnoses, injury causes, and medical procedures for hospital and emergency department visits. These codes are updated every decade or so to account for advances in medical technology. The U.S. is currently using the 10th revision (ICD-10) to code causes of death.

Data Sources

  • Utah Death Certificate Database, Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Utah Department of Health and Human Services
  • Population Estimates for 1999 and earlier: Utah Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
  • For years 2020 and later, the population estimates are provided by the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, Utah state and county annual population estimates are by single year of age and sex, IBIS Version 2022
  • Population Estimates for 2000-2019: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) through a collaborative agreement with the U.S. Census Bureau, IBIS Version 2020
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on-line data - CDC WONDER

Child Injury Death Rate by Manner, Utah Children Aged 0-17, 2013-2022

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More than half of all child injury deaths from 2013-2022 were from unintentional injury. Unintentional injury deaths include things like motor vehicle crashes, suffocation, poisoning, drowning/submersion, firearm accidents, and falls.
Intent of InjuryDeaths per 100,000 PopulationLower LimitUpper LimitNumer- atorDenom- inator
Record Count: 4

Data Notes

ICD-10 codes V01-Y36, Y85-Y87, Y89, *U01-*U03. [[br]]ICD Stands for International Classification of Diseases. It is a coding system maintained by the World Health Organization and the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics used to classify causes of death on death certificates and diagnoses, injury causes, and medical procedures for hospital and emergency department visits. These codes are updated every decade or so to account for advances in medical technology. The U.S. is currently using the 10th revision (ICD-10) to code causes of death.

Data Sources

  • Utah Death Certificate Database, Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Utah Department of Health and Human Services
  • For years 2020 and later, the population estimates are provided by the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, Utah state and county annual population estimates are by single year of age and sex, IBIS Version 2022
  • Population Estimates for 2000-2019: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) through a collaborative agreement with the U.S. Census Bureau, IBIS Version 2020

Child Injury Death Intent by Age Group, Utah Children Aged 0-17, 2013-2022

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Along with the rate of overall child injury death, the intent of child injury death varies as children age. From 2013-2022, the youngest Utah children primarily died from unintentional injury death. As children reach their teen years the rate of suicide death competes with unintentional injury and even surpasses it in the 15-17 age group. Infant (<1) and 15-17-year-old children also saw higher relative rates of homicide than the other child age groups.
Injury IntentAge GroupDeaths per 100,000 PopulationLower LimitUpper LimitNoteNumer- atorDenom- inator
Record Count: 20
UnintentionalLess than 113.310.317.065488,007
Unintentional1-4 yrs7.76.59.01531,996,639
Unintentional5-9 yrs2.51.93.2652,612,261
Unintentional10-14 yrs4.33.55.11132,643,928
Unintentional15-17 yrs10.89.212.61661,536,501
SuicideLess than 10.0
Suicide1-4 yrs0.0
Suicide5-9 yrs**** suppressed
Suicide10-14 yrs4.13.44.91082,643,928
Suicide15-17 yrs17.015.019.22611,536,501
HomicideLess than,007
Homicide1-4 yrs1.20.81.8241,996,639
Homicide5-9 yrs0.60.31.0152,612,261
Homicide10-14 yrs0.60.41.0162,643,928
Homicide15-17 yrs2.21.53.0331,536,501
UndeterminedLess than,007
Undetermined1-4 yrs0.40.20.9* interpret w/caution91,996,639
Undetermined5-9 yrs**** suppressed2,612,261
Undetermined10-14 yrs0.30.10.6* interpret w/caution72,643,928
Undetermined15-17 yrs0.50.20.9* interpret w/caution71,536,501

Data Notes

ICD-10 codes V01-Y36, Y85-Y87, Y89, *U01-*U03. [[br]]*Use caution in interpreting; the estimate has a coefficient of variation >30% and is therefore deemed unreliable by Utah Department of Health and Human Services standards. [[br]]**The estimate has been suppressed because 1) the relative standard error is greater than 50% or can't be determined or 2) the observed number of events is very small and not appropriate for publication.

Data Sources

  • Utah Death Certificate Database, Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Utah Department of Health and Human Services
  • For years 2020 and later, the population estimates are provided by the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, Utah state and county annual population estimates are by single year of age and sex, IBIS Version 2022
  • Population Estimates for 2000-2019: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) through a collaborative agreement with the U.S. Census Bureau, IBIS Version 2020

Leading Causes of Child Injury Death by Age Group, Utah Children Aged 0-17, 2013-2022

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Note that the aggregate rate of child injury death for each age group is not correctly captured in the above figure. Only six of the leading causes of child death have been included in this comparison by age group. Infants (<1) had the highest rate of unintentional suffocation. The 15 to 17-year-old age group had the highest rates of firearm death (suicides and homicides), motor vehicle traffic death, and poisoning death. Suffocation deaths for 15 to 17-year-olds are also very high, but they are primarily associated with suicide, while infant suffocations are unintentional safe sleep-related deaths.
Leading Causes of Injury DeathAge GroupDeaths per 100,000 PopulationLower LimitUpper LimitNoteNumer- atorDenom- inator
Record Count: 30
Motor Vehicle, TrafficLess than* interpret w/caution6488,007
Motor Vehicle, Traffic1-4 yrs1.81.22.4351,996,639
Motor Vehicle, Traffic5-9 yrs1.20.81.6302,612,261
Motor Vehicle, Traffic10-14 yrs2.41.93.1642,643,928
Motor Vehicle, Traffic15-17 yrs7.15.88.61091,536,501
PoisoningLess than 1**** suppressed
Poisoning1-4 yrs0.20.10.6* interpret w/caution51,996,639
Poisoning5-9 yrs**** suppressed
Poisoning10-14 yrs0.30.20.6* interpret w/caution92,643,928
Poisoning15-17 yrs2.41.73.3371,536,501
FirearmLess than 1**** suppressed
Firearm1-4 yrs0.40.20.9* interpret w/caution91,996,639
Firearm5-9 yrs0.40.20.8* interpret w/caution112,612,261
Firearm10-14 yrs1.71.22.2442,643,928
Firearm15-17 yrs10.99.312.71681,536,501
SuffocationLess than 111.58.714.956488,007
Suffocation1-4 yrs1.61.12.3331,996,639
Suffocation5-9 yrs**** suppressed
Suffocation10-14 yrs3.22.64.0852,643,928
Suffocation15-17 yrs6.65.48.01011,536,501
FallLess than 10.00
Fall1-4 yrs**** suppressed
Fall5-9 yrs0.20.00.4* interpret w/caution42,612,261
Fall10-14 yrs0.20.00.4* interpret w/caution42,643,928
Fall15-17 yrs0.60.31.2* interpret w/caution101,536,501
Drowning/SubmersionLess than* interpret w/caution6488,007
Drowning/Submersion1-4 yrs2.51.93.3501,996,639
Drowning/Submersion5-9 yrs0.30.10.6* interpret w/caution72,612,261
Drowning/Submersion10-14 yrs0.40.20.7* interpret w/caution112,643,928
Drowning/Submersion15-17 yrs1.00.61.6151,536,501

Data Notes

ICD-10 codes V01-Y36, Y85-Y87, Y89, *U01-*U03. [[br]]*Use caution in interpreting; the estimate has a coefficient of variation >30% and is therefore deemed unreliable by Utah Department of Health and Human Services standards. [[br]]**The estimate has been suppressed because 1) the relative standard error is greater than 50% or can't be determined or 2) the observed number of events is very small and not appropriate for publication.

Data Sources

  • Utah Death Certificate Database, Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Utah Department of Health and Human Services
  • For years 2020 and later, the population estimates are provided by the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, Utah state and county annual population estimates are by single year of age and sex, IBIS Version 2022
  • Population Estimates for 2000-2019: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) through a collaborative agreement with the U.S. Census Bureau, IBIS Version 2020

Child Injury Death Rate by Race/Ethnicity, Utah Children Aged 0-19, 2013-2022

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American Indian/Native Alaskan, non-Hispanic children had the highest child injury death rate during 2013-2022, followed closely by Black/African American, non-Hispanic children. The rate of child injury death in both groups was over two times higher than the overall rate of child injury death in Utah.
Race/Ethnicity GroupDeaths per 100,000 PopulationLower LimitUpper LimitNoteNumer- atorDenom- inator
Record Count: 8
American Indian/Alaska Native31.721.045.8significantly higher than the state2888,396
Black/African American28.419.739.7significantly higher than the state34119,557
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander17.510.727.120114,067
Two or more races9.06.212.7significantly lower than the state32355,978
All races/ethnicities15.414.716.21,57310,180,385

Data Notes

*Note: The 0-19 age group was used here because race/ethnicity population data are only available in 5-year age groups (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, and 15-19). Race/ethnicity categories are mutually exclusive and each of the race categories are non-Hispanic.

Data Sources

  • Utah Death Certificate Database, Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Utah Department of Health and Human Services
  • Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin for Counties in Utah, U.S. Bureau of the Census, IBIS Version 2022

Child Injury Death Rate by Local Health District, Utah Children Aged 0-17, 2013-2022

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Central, San Juan, Southeast, and TriCounty Health Districts had significantly higher rates of child injury death than the state during 2013-2022. Davis County and Utah County Health Districts had significantly lower rates of child injury death than the state.
Local Health DistrictDeaths per 100,000 PopulationLower LimitUpper LimitNoteNumer- atorDenom- inator
Record Count: 14
Bear River12.810.016.172563,992
Central18.613.425.0significantly higher than the state43231,643
Davis County8.26.610.0significantly lower than the state921,126,544
Salt Lake County11.510.412.83573,101,698
San Juan33.018.454.4significantly higher than the state1545,499
Southeast22.013.933.0significantly higher than the state23104,612
Summit7.83.415.4* interpret w/caution8102,017
TriCounty18.412.825.6significantly higher than the state35190,068
Utah County9.78.411.2significantly lower than the state2022,073,099
Wasatch8.03.415.7* interpret w/caution8100,603
State of Utah11.610.912.31,0779,277,336

Data Sources

  • Utah Death Certificate Database, Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Utah Department of Health and Human Services
  • For years 2020 and later, the population estimates are provided by the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, Utah state and county annual population estimates are by single year of age and sex, IBIS Version 2022

Child Injury Death Rates by Utah Small Area, Children Aged 0-17, 2013-2022

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Ogden (Downtown), Sandy (Northeast), Daggett and Uintah County, Central (Other), Washington Co (Other) V2, Washington City, and Southwest LHD (Other) were the Utah Small Areas with significantly higher rates of child injury death than the state during 2013-2022. Lehi and Pleasant Grove/Lindon were the Utah Small Areas with significantly lower rates of child injury death than the state.
Utah Small AreasDeaths per 100,000 PopulationLower LimitUpper LimitNoteNumer- atorDenom- inator
Record Count: 104
Brigham City15.07.726.11280,215
Box Elder Co (Other) V218.37.437.7*interpret w/caution738,245
Tremonton11.64.723.9*interpret w/caution760,381
Logan V29.65.515.616166,273
North Logan6.21.715.8*interpret w/caution464,826
Cache (Other)/Rich (All) V214.47.425.21283,292
Hyrum15.04.935.0*interpret w/caution533,312
Smithfield10.63.424.7*interpret w/caution547,254
Ben Lomond15.810.722.630189,841
Weber County (East),573
Morgan County****suppressed
Ogden (Downtown)18.411.527.9significantly higher than the state22119,484
South Ogden4.11.110.4* interpret w/caution, significantly lower than the state498,614
Riverdale9.94.319.5*interpret w/caution880,770
Clearfield Area/Hooper8.04.912.420248,374
Layton/South Weber8.75.513.023264,854
Kaysville/Fruit Heights8.14.014.4*interpret w/caution11136,548
Farmington7.62.816.5*interpret w/caution678,963
North Salt Lake****suppressed
Woods Cross/West Bountiful****suppressed
Bountiful6.73.012.7*interpret w/caution9134,840
SLC (Rose Park)9.74.917.4* interpret w/caution11112,894
SLC (Avenues)****suppressed
SLC (Foothill/East Bench)****suppressed
SLC (Glendale) V214.47.425.11283,430
West Valley (Center)11.36.717.818159,597
West Valley (West) V29.44.517.3*interpret w/caution10106,414
West Valley (East) V212.97.919.920155,464
SLC (Downtown) V2****suppressed
SLC (Southeast Liberty)****suppressed
South Salt Lake10.44.221.5*interpret w/caution767,092
SLC (Sugar House)15.27.926.61278,906
Millcreek (South)*interpret w/caution551,284
Millcreek (East)****suppressed
Holladay V2****suppressed
Cottonwood6.62.414.4*interpret w/caution690,891
Kearns V213.48.021.218134,269
Taylorsville (E)/Murray (W)15.38.625.31597,839
Taylorsville (West)9.14.416.7*interpret w/caution10110,071
Murray13.76.824.5*interpret w/caution1180,322
West Jordan (Northeast) V28.83.817.3* interpret w/caution891,263
West Jordan (Southeast)15.79.324.918114,383
West Jordan (W)/Copperton9.55.615.018189,188
South Jordan V25.72.511.3*interpret w/caution8139,261
Daybreak6.42.414.0*interpret w/caution693,388
Sandy (West)9.23.719.0*interpret w/caution776,009
Sandy (Center) V27.62.816.6*interpret w/caution678,551
Sandy (Northeast)26.014.542.8significantly higher than the state1557,747
Sandy (Southeast)****suppressed
Tooele County (Other)17.17.832.4*interpret w/caution952,705
Tooele Valley15.09.921.827179,778
Eagle Mountain/Cedar Valley13.38.220.321158,346
Lehi7.34.511.2significantly lower than the state21286,567
Saratoga Springs5.32.110.8*interpret w/caution, significantly lower than the state7132,944
American Fork10.86.616.620185,937
Pleasant Grove/Lindon6.43.510.8significantly lower than the state14218,374
Orem (North)7.73.714.1*interpret w/caution10130,626
Orem (West)8.33.815.7*interpret w/caution9108,511
Orem (East)****suppressed
Provo/BYU8.63.716.9*interpret w/caution893,308
Provo (West City Center)*interpret w/caution8108,742
Provo (East City Center)11.24.523.0*interpret w/caution762,677
Salem City****suppressed
Spanish Fork8.44.614.114218,374
Mapleton16.66.136.0*interpret w/caution636,250
Utah County (South) V215.77.229.9*interpret w/caution957,167
Park City5.81.614.9*interpret w/caution468,727
Summit County (East)17.96.639.0*interpret w/caution633,448
Wasatch County7.73.315.1*interpret w/caution8104,107
Daggett and Uintah County19.812.629.4significantly higher than the state24121,525
Duchesne County18.19.331.61266,384
Nephi/Mona22.79.844.8*interpret w/caution835,147
Delta/Fillmore22.99.247.4*interpret w/caution730,518
Sanpete Valley11.94.824.6*interpret w/caution758,672
Central (Other)24.414.039.6significantly higher than the state1665,538
Richfield/Monroe/Salina10.83.525.2*interpret w/caution546,373
Carbon County18.99.134.8*interpret w/caution1052,816
Emery County22.49.046.2*interpret w/caution731,193
Grand County28.510.562.1*interpret w/caution621,036
San Juan County (Other)31.212.664.4*interpret w/caution, significantly higher than the state722,409
St. George10.77.115.627251,662
Washington Co (Other) V223.48.651.0*interpret w/caution625,609
Washington City8.23.316.9*interpret w/caution785,480
Hurricane/La Verkin10.34.719.6*interpret w/caution987,000
Ivins/Santa Clara9.22.523.4*interpret w/caution443,727
Cedar City9.35.015.913139,717
Southwest LHD (Other)21.311.635.8significantly higher than the state1465,696
State of Utah11.310.612.01,0779,537,730

Data Notes

A description of the Utah Small Areas may be found on IBIS at the following URL: [] [[be]]. [[br]]*Use caution in interpreting; the estimate has a coefficient of variation >30% and is therefore deemed unreliable by Utah Department of Health and Human Services standards. [[br]]**The estimate has been suppressed because 1) the relative standard error is greater than 50% or can't be determined or 2) the observed number of events is very small and not appropriate for publication.

Data Sources

  • Utah Death Certificate Database, Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Utah Department of Health and Human Services
  • Population estimates used linear interpolation of U.S. Census Bureau, Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute population estimates, and ESRI ZIP Code data provided annual population estimates for ZIP Code areas by sex and age groups, IBIS Version 2022

More Resources and Links

Additional indicator data by state and county may be found on these websites:

Medical literature can be queried at PubMed library.

Page Content Updated On 02/27/2024, Published on 03/04/2024
The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH web site ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Fri, 04 October 2024 20:16:06 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health Web site: ".

Content updated: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:57:29 MDT