Important Facts for Health Insurance Coverage
The percentage of persons without health insurance coverageNumerator
Number of persons in the survey sample who lacked health insurance coverageDenominator
Total number of persons in the survey sampleData Interpretation Issues
Estimates of the uninsured in Utah are currently calculated using a set of state-added questions included on the Utah Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). Formerly these questions were asked on two state-based surveys - the Utah Healthcare Access Survey (UHAS) and the Utah Health Status Survey (HSS). Since 2011 the BRFSS has included both landline and cell phone telephone interviews as well as an updated weighting methodology. For more information, please see: []. Compared with state surveys in Utah, the U.S. Current Population Survey (CPS) and the American Community Survey (ACS) have historically yielded higher estimates of the Utah population with no health insurance coverage. Reasons may include differences in question-wording, data weighting, and data imputation for missing values. For a thorough discussion of why state health insurance estimates differ from those produced by the U.S. Census Bureau, please refer to the State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) publication 'Comparing Federal Government Surveys that Count the Uninsured: 2016' at [].Why Is This Important?
Most people need medical care at some time in their lives. Medical care is often quite expensive and is becoming more expensive. Health insurance covers all or some costs of care and protects people from very high expenses. Persons with health insurance are more likely than persons without health insurance to have a regular source of primary health care and to have routine preventive care. Persons without coverage often have delayed seeking needed care and find services difficult to afford.Healthy People Objective AHS-1.1:
Increase the proportion of persons with medical insuranceU.S. Target: 100 percent