Number and percentage distribution of racial and ethnic populations.Numerator
Number of persons in each racial/ethnic group in Utah.Denominator
Total number of persons in Utah in each geographic area for year(s) listed.Data Interpretation Issues
The proportion of non-White racial/ethnic groups is relatively small in Utah. As a result, it may be difficult to make statistical comparisons across racial and ethnic groups.Why Is This Important?
Data show that racial and ethnic minority groups experience higher rates of illness and death across a wide range of health conditions, including hypertension, diabetes, obesity/overweight, asthma, and lower life expectancy at birth, when compared to the total Utah population overall (see [ Health Snapshots 2023], DHHS Office of Health Equity). Social, economic, environmental, and/or geographic factors contribute to health disparities.^1^ Using data to identify gaps and the factors that contribute to them is critical to develop programs and prioritize resources to reduce health gaps for all Utahns.
1. []How Are We Doing?
The Black, Asian, Pacific Islander, and Hispanic/Latino populations are growing at faster rates than the state population as a whole. At the time of the 2000 U.S. Census, 85% of Utah's population was White only and non-Hispanic. It is now at approximately 75.6% according to the 2022 ACS Table DP05. Roughly one out of every four (23.3%) Utahns identify themselves as Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Asian Americans, Pacific Islander/Hawaiian Native, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Black/African American.
Measurement of health status and associated risk factors by racial and ethnic populations can detect differences experienced by these groups. This knowledge helps public health and social services agencies, health care providers, and community organizations improve awareness of the health status of the populations they serve and to develop and evaluate interventions to decrease gaps.What Is Being Done?
There are various programs across the state directed at improving the health of individuals from diverse backgrounds and promoting their access to care.