Relevant Population Characteristics for Tuberculosis (TB) Cases
Relevant Population Characteristics
The racial/ethnic distribution of tuberculosis (TB) in Utah for the five-year period of 2019-2023 was as follows: 40.0% occurred in persons of Hispanic ethnicity, 27.9% in Asians, 12.9% in Whites, 7.1% in Blacks/African Americans, 10.0% in Native Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders, and 2.1% in American Indian/Alaskan Natives. Over the past five years in Utah, more than 96% of Black/African American and Asian persons with TB were non-US-born.
The racial/ethnic distribution of TB morbidity for the United States in 2022 was as follows: 34.3% occurred in Asians; 33.9% in persons of Hispanic ethnicity; 15.8% in Blacks/African Americans; 10.2% in Whites; 1.2% in those with multiple races; 1.3% in American Indians/Alaskan Natives; and 1.9% in Native Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders. (CDC. ''Tuberculosis - United States, 2022'', 2023).
In 2023, 87.9% of the persons diagnosed with TB in Utah were non-US-born. In 2022, 72.4% of the national case total of persons diagnosed with TB were non-US-born. (CDC. ''Tuberculosis - United States, 2022'', 2023). These numbers show the importance of effectively screening and treating individuals from high TB prevalence areas.
Related Relevant Population Characteristics Indicators:
Bureau of Epidemiology, Division of Epidemiology and Laboratory Services, Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2104, Telephone: 801-538-6191, Fax: (801) 538-9923, Website:, Email:
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