Risk factors for violent behavior in youth include history of violent victimization, involvement with drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, low parental involvement, poor monitoring and supervision of children, involvement with gangs, low commitment to school and school failure, high concentrations of poor residents, and socially disorganized neighborhoods.[[br]]
Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Injury Center: Violence Prevention, Youth Violence: Risk And Protective Factors: [http://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/youthviolence/riskprotectivefactors.html#1] (accessed 1/2/2020)
Violence and Injury Prevention Program, Office of Health Promotion and Prevention, Utah Department of Health and Human Services | Telephone: (801) 538-6864 | Email: vipp@utah.gov | Website: vipp.utah.gov
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Fri, 20 September 2024 10:09:33
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