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Cancer Registry

Cancer Registry data on the IBIS Website are from the Utah Cancer Registry, a population-based cancer registry that has served the State of Utah since 1966. The Utah Cancer Registry is also one of the original members of the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program and has continuously participated in the SEER Program since 1973. More information about the Utah Cancer Registry can be found at

Rates are computed using population estimates from the Utah Governor's Office of Planning and Budget (GOPB), the U.S. Census, and ESRI. For more information about population estimates see the help page for Population Estimates

The Utah Cancer Registryis not a closed database meaning that numbers can be updated for any year. When we add new years of data to the IBIS Query System the numbers for previous years may change to reflect these updates.

Slight variations in case counts and rates may have also appear since the adoption of the International Classification of Disease for Oncology, 3rd Edition (ICD-O-3), primary site and histology codes. For more detailed information about the ICD-O-2 to ICD-O-3 conversion, please go to

Primary Cancer Site/Type Categories and Definitions

(last updated December 2005) (source: Utah Cancer Registry)
Primary Cancer Site/Type 1 = Standard categories
Primary Cancer Site/Type 2 = Individual sites

ICDO-3 Sites/Types -INCLUDED- ICDO-3 Sites/Types -EXCLUDED-
Primary Cancer Site/Type 1 Primary Cancer Site/Type 2 ICD-O-3 Codes Excluded Sites/Types Histologies
Code Sites/Types Code Sites/Types
01 Oral cavity and pharynx 0101 Lip C00.0-C00.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
0102 Tongue C01.9-C02.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
0103 Salivary glands C07.9-C08.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
0104 Floor of mouth C04.0-C04.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
0105 Gum and other mouth C03.0-C03.9, C05.0-C05.9, C06.0-C06.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
0106 Nasopharynx C11.0-C11.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
0107 Tonsil C09.0-C09.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
0108 Oropharynx C10.0-C10.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
0109 Hypopharynx C12.9, C13.0-C13.9, C14.1 Lymphomas M9590-9989
0110 Other oral cavity and pharynx C14.0, C14.2-C14.8 Lymphomas M9590-9989
02 Esophagus 0200 Esophagus C15.0-C15.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
03 Stomach 0300 Stomach C16.0-C16.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
04 Small intestine 0400 Small intestine C17.0-C17.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
05 Colon (excluding rectum) 0500 Cecum C18.0 Lymphomas M9590-9989
Appendix C18.1 Lymphomas M9590-9989
Ascending colon C18.2 Lymphomas M9590-9989
Hepatic flexure C18.3 Lymphomas M9590-9989
Transverse colon C18.4 Lymphomas M9590-9989
Splenic flexure C18.5 Lymphomas M9590-9989
Descending colon C18.6 Lymphomas M9590-9989
Sigmoid colon C18.7 Lymphomas M9590-9989
Large intestine, NOS C18.8-C18.9, C26.0 Lymphomas M9590-9989
06 Rectum and rectosigmoid junction 0600 Rectosigmoid junction C19.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
Rectum C20.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
07 Anus, anal canal, and anorectum 0700 Anus, anal canal, and anorectum C21.0-C21.2, C21.8 Lymphomas M9590-9989
08 Liver and intrahepatic bile duct 0801 Liver C22.0 Lymphomas M9590-9989
0802 Intrahepatic bile duct C22.1 Lymphomas M9590-9989
09 Gallbladder and biliary ducts 0901 Gallbladder C23.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
0902 Other biliary ducts C24.0-C24.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
10 Pancreas 1000 Pancreas C25.0-C25.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
11 Other digestive system 1101 Retroperitoneum C48.0 Lymphomas M9590-9989
1102 Peritoneum, omentum,and mesentery C48.1-C48.2 Lymphomas M9590-9989
1103 Other digestive organs C26.8-C26.9, C48.8 Lymphomas M9590-9989
12 Larynx 1200 Larynx C32.0-C32.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
13 Lung and bronchus 1300 Lung and bronchus C34.0-C34.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
14 Other respiratory system 1401 Nasal cavity and middle ear C30.0-C30.1 Lymphomas M9590-9989
1402 Pleura C38.4 Lymphomas M9590-9989
1403 Trachea, mediastinum, and other respiratory organs C33.9, C38.1-C38.3, C38.8, C39.0, C39.8, C39.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
15 Bones and joints 1500 Bones and joints C40.0-C41.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
16 Soft tissues (including heart) 1600 Soft tissues (including heart) C38.0, C47.0- C47.9, C49.0-C49.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
17 Cutaneous melanoma 1701 In Situ Cutaneous melanoma C44.0-C44.9, M8720-M8790 (ICD-O-3 Behavior = 2) - -
1702 Invasive Cutaneous melanoma C44.0-C44.9, M8720-M8790 (ICD-O-3 Behavior = 3) - -
18 Other non-melanoma skin, excluding basal and squamous cell carcinoma 1800 Other non-melanoma skin, excluding basal and squamous cell carcinoma C44.0-C44.9 (ICD-O-3 Behavior = 3) - M-8000:800 5, M-8010:8045, M-8050:808 4, M-8090:8110, M-8720:8790, M9590-9989
19 Breast 1900 Breast C50.0-C50.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
20 Cervix 2000 Cervix C53.0-C53.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
21 Uterus 2101 Corpus uteri C54.0-C54.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
2102 Uterus, NOS C55.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
22 Ovary 2200 Ovary C56.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
23 Other female genital 2301 Vagina CC52.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
2302 Vulva C51.0-C51.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
2303 Other female genital C57.0-C58.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
24 Prostate 2400 Prostate C61.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
25 Testis 2500 Testis C62.0-C62.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
26 Other male genital 2601 Penis C60.0-C60.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
2602 Other male genital C63.0-C63.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
27 Bladder 2701 Bladder - In Situ C67.0-C67.9 (ICD-O-3 Behavior = 2) Lymphomas M9590-9989
2701 Bladder - Malignant C67.0-C67.9 (ICD-O-3 Behavior = 3) Lymphomas M9590-9989
28 Kidney and renal pelvis 2800 Kidney and renal pelvis C64.9, C65.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
29 Other urinary 2900 Ureter C66.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
Other urinary 68.0-C68.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
30 Eye and orbit 3000 Eye and orbit C69.0-C69.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
31 Brain 3100 Brain C71.0-C71.9 Meningiomas M-9530:9539
Lymphomas M9590-9989
32 Other central nervous system 3200 Other central nervous system C71.0-C71.9 (M9530-9539), C70.0-C70.9, C72.0-C72.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
33 Thyroid 3300 Thyroid C73.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
34 Other endocrine 3400 Thymus C37.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
Adrenal gland C74.0-C74.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
Other endocrine C75.0-C75.9 Lymphomas M9590-9989
35 Hodgkin's lymphoma 3500 Hodgkin's lymphoma (All Sites) M9650-M9667 - -
36 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 3600 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (All Sites) M9590-959 6, M9670-971 9, M9727-9729 (All Sites EXCEPT C024, C098-C099, C111, C142, C379, C420-C422, C424, C770-C779) M9823, M9827 - -
37 Multiple myeloma 3700 Multiple myeloma M9731-9732, M9734 - -
38 Lymphocytic leukemia 3801 Acute lymphocytic (All Sites) M9826, M9835-M9837 - -
3802 Chronic lymphocytic (Sites C420, C421, C424)M9823 - -
3803 Other lymphocytic M9820, M9832-M9834, M9940 - -
39 Myeloid leukemia 3901 Acute Myeloid M9840,M9861, M9866,M9867, M9871-9874, M9895-M9897, M9910, M9920 - -
3902 Chronic Myeloid M9863, M9875, M9876, M9945, M9946 - -
3903 Other Myeloid M9860, M9930 - -
40 Monocytic leukemia 4001 Acute monocytic M9891 - -
4002 (No longer valid in ICD-O-3) - -
(No longer valid in ICD-O-3) - -
41 Other leukemia 4101 Other acute M9801, M9805, M9931 - -
(No longer valid in ICD-O-3) - -
4103 Aleukemic, subleukemic and NOS (All Sites) M9733, M9742, M9800, M9831, M9870, M9948, M9963, M9964 (Sites C420, C421, C424) M9827 - -
42 Other sites/types (not specified above) 4200 (No longer valid in ICD-O-3) - -
Mast cell tumors M9740-M9741 - -
Histiocytes and Accessory Lymphoid Cells M9750-M9758 - -
Immuno-proliferative Diseases M9760-M976 9 - -
Miscellaneous myeloproliferative and lympho-proliferative disorders M9950-9989 - -
Other and ill-defined sites (SitesC76.0-C76.8 ) M8000-M9589 - -
Cancers of unknown primary sites C80.9(M8000:9589) - -
Other cancers of the hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial systems C42.0-C42.4(M8000:9589) - -
Other cancers of the lymph nodes C77.0-C77.9(M8000:9589) - -

The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH website ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Thu, 27 March 2025 21:37:54 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health website: ".

Content updated: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 13:59:20 MDT