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ICD-10 UDOH External Cause of Injury

  • The UDOH External Cause of Injury codes were grouped to be consistent with the External Cause of Injury Mortality Matrix for ICD-10 found on the NCHS website at

  • The ICD-10 UDOH External Cause of Injury codes are used in the Injury Mortality Query Module.

  • Code List (last updated August 2005)

  • Selections available in IBIS are numbered in the leftmost column. The codes are broken out by intent in the columns of the table.

    ICD-10 UDOH External Cause of Injury Matrix
    MECHANISM All Injury Unintentional Suicide Homicide Undetermined Other*
    All Injury V01-Y36, Y85-Y87, Y89, *U01-*U03 V01-X59, Y85-Y86 X60-X84, Y87.0, *U03 X85-Y09, Y87.1, *U01-*U02 Y10-Y34, Y87.2, Y89.9 Y35-Y36, Y89 (.0-.1)
    1. Cut/Pierce W25-W29, W45, X78, X99, Y28, Y35.4 W25-W29, W45 X78 X99 Y28 Y35.4
    2. Drowning/Submersion W65-W74, X71, X92, Y21 W65-W74 X71 X92 Y21 -
    3. Fall W00-W19, X80, Y01, Y30 W00-W19 X80 Y01 Y30 -
    Fire/hot object or substance
    4. Fire/Flame/Smoke X00-X09, X76, X97, Y26, Y36.3, *U01.3 X00-X09 X76 X97, *U01.3 Y26 Y36.3
    5. Hot Object/Substance, Caustic Substance X10-X19, X77, X98, Y27 X10-X19 X77 X98 Y27 -
    6. Firearm W32-W34, X72-X74, X93-X95, Y22-Y24, Y35.0, *U01.4 W32-W34 X72-X74 X93-X95, *U01.4 Y22-Y24 Y35.0
    7. Machinery W24, W30-W31 W24, W30-W31 - - - -
    All Transport
    Motor Vehicle, Traffic
    8. Occupant Injured V30-V39 (.4-.9)
    V40-V49 (.4-.9)
    V50-V59 (.4-.9)
    V60-V69 (.4-.9)
    V70-V79 (.4-.9)
    V83-V86 (.0-.3)
    V30-V39 (.4-.9)
    V40-V49 (.4-.9)
    V50-V59 (.4-.9)
    V60-V69 (.4-.9)
    V70-V79 (.4-.9)
    V83-V86 (.0-.3)
    - - - -
    9. Motorcyclist Injured V20-V28 (.3-.9), V29 (.4-.9) V20-V28 (.3-.9), V29 (.4-.9) - - - -
    10. Pedal Cyclist Injured V12-V14 (.3-.9) , V19 (.4-.6) V12-V14 (.3-.9) , V19 (.4-.6) - - - -
    11. Pedestrian Injured V02-V04 (.1, .9) V09.2 V02-V04 (.1, .9) V09.2 - - - -
    12. Other and Unspecified V80 (.3-.5), V81.1, V82.1 - other
    V87 (.0-.8), V89.2 - unspecified
    V80 (.3-.5), V81.1, V82.1 - other
    V87 (.0-.8), V89.2 - unspecified
    - - - -
    Motor Vehicle, Non-traffic
    13. Pedal Cyclist, Other V10-V11, V12-V14 (.0-.2), V15-V18, V19 (.0-.3, .8, .9) V10-V11, V12-V14 (.0-.2), V15-V18, V19 (.0-.3, .8, .9) - - - -
    14. Pedestrian, Other V01, V02-V04 (.0), V05, V06, V09 (.0, .1, .3, .9) V01, V02-V04 (.0), V05, V06, V09 (.0, .1, .3, .9) - - - -
    15. Other Motor Vehicle V20-V28 (.0-.2), V29 (.0-.3)
    V30-V39 (.0-.3)
    V40-V49 (.0-.3)
    V50-V59 (.0-.3)
    V60-V69 (.0-.3)
    V70-V79 (.0-.3)
    V81-V82 (.0)
    V83-V86 (.4-.9)
    V88 (.0-.8), V89.0
    V20-V28 (.0-.2), V29 (.0-.3)
    V30-V39 (.0-.3)
    V40-V49 (.0-.3)
    V50-V59 (.0-.3)
    V60-V69 (.0-.3)
    V70-V79 (.0-.3)
    V81-V82 (.0)
    V83-V86 (.4-.9)
    V88 (.0-.8), V89.0
    - - - -
    16. Other Land Transport V80 (.0-.2, .6-.9), V81-V82 (.2-.9), V87.9, V88.9, V89 (.1, .3, .9), X82, Y03, Y32 V80 (.0-.2, .6-.9), V81-V82 (.2-.9), V87.9, V88.9, V89 (.1, .3, .9) X82 Y03 Y32 -
    17. Other Transport V90-V99 , Y36.1, *U01.1 V90-V99 - *U01.1 - Y36.1
    18. Natural/Environmental W42, W43, W53-W64, W92-W99, X20-X39, X51-X57 W42, W43, W53-W64, W92-W99, X20-X39, X51-X57 - - - -
    19. Overexertion X50 X50 - - - -
    20. Poisoning X40-X49, X60-X69, X85-X90, Y10-Y19, Y35.2, *U01 (.6-.7) X40-X49 X60-X69 X85-X90, *U01 (.6-.7) Y10-Y19 Y35.2
    21. Struck By or Against W20-W22, W50-W52, X79, Y00, Y04, Y29, Y35.3 W20-W22, W50-W52 X79 Y00, Y04 Y29 Y35.3
    22. Suffocation W75-W84, X70, X91, Y20 W75-W84 X70 X91 Y20 -
    23. Other Specified and Unspecified W23, W35-W41, W44, W49 W85-W91, X58-X59, X75, X81, X83-X84, X96, Y02, Y05-Y09, Y25, Y31, Y33-Y34, Y35 (.1, .5-.7) Y36 (.0, .2, .4-.9), Y85-Y87.2, Y89 (.0, .1, .9), *U01 (.0, .2, .5, .8, .9), *U02, *U03 (.0, .9)
    Other Specified, classifiable W23, W35-W41, W44, W49 W85-W91, Y85 X75, X81, *U03.0 X96, Y02, Y05-Y07, *U01 (.0, .2, .5) Y25, Y31 Y35 (.1, .5) Y36 (.0, .2, .4-.8)
    Other Specified, NEC X58, Y86 X83, Y87.0 Y08, Y87.1, *U01.8, *U02 Y33, Y87.2 Y35.6, Y89 (.0, .1)
    Unspecified X59 X84, *U03.9 Y09, *U01.9 Y34, Y89.9 Y35.7 Y36.9
    Adverse Effects (Not included in All Injury above)
    1. Adverse Drug Events Y40-Y59, Y88.0 Y40-Y59, Y88.0 - - - -
    2. Medical Procedures and Medical Care Y60-Y84, Y88 (.1-.3) Y60-Y84, Y88 (.1-.3) - - - -

    * Other - Includes legal intervention and operations of war.

    Codes for water transporatation-related drowning, V90 and V92, are included in the transportation codes rather than with the drowning codes.

    The new ICD-10 codes for terrorism are bolded and preceded with '*'. See

    The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH website ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Tue, 11 March 2025 20:22:31 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health website: ".

    Content updated: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 17:36:20 MDT