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IBIS-PH Query System Tips

General IBIS-PH Query System

  • For step-by-step query system examples see the Query Tutorials List
  • Use Age-adjusted rates when you want to compare areas, for example Utah and U.S. data.
  • Be aware of data issues and data notes on the results page. They give information about the dataset that anyone using the data should know.
  • When looking for specifics on how something is measured or information about a topic or measure, check the Indicator Report List.

User defined ICD codes:

  • Use a hyphen to indicate a range of codes, '670-677'.
  • Use a space or a comma between codes, '888, 957' or '888 957'.
  • When entering more than one code '888, 957' the results will display all the records that have 888 or 957.
  • Codes can be entered on different lines and then displayed by the codes, except in 'any Diagnosis or E-code'. For example, if you enter 'E888' on the first line and 'E957, E987' on the second line and choose display by 'Reason for Hospitalization' in the Injury Hospital Count measure then you will have two lines in your results, one for 'E888' and one for 'E957, E987'. In 'any Diagnosis or E-code' since the same record can have multiple codes, but can only be counted once in the results, there is only one line to enter codes on.


  • Enter ICD-9 E-codes WITHOUT the E, for example E888 should be entered as '888'.
  • Use ICD-9 codes for 1980-1998 and ICD-10 codes for 1999-present. Lists of ICD codes are available on the help page.
  • Use the comparability modified module only when you want to include years before 1999 AND years after 1999. If you only want years in 1980-1998 use the ICD-9 module. If you only want years 1999-present use the ICD-10 module.

Hospital and ED

  • Enter ICD-9 E-codes WITH the E, for example E888 should be entered as 'E888'.
  • In All ED Encounters if you choose a charge measure (such as Median Charge) the results are always displayed by whether it was a 'treat-admit' or 'treat-release' encounter due to the large difference in costs between the two types of encounters.

Injury Modules

  • Injury modules use the STIPDA standards, which means that some records are excluded from the dataset. You may also query injury codes in the regular modules, but you may not get the same numbers as in the injury modules.

Population Estimates

Infant Mortality

  • The Birth-Death Linked Infant Mortality (Birth Cohort) Query Module is always one year behind the other Infant Mortality data systems because it is based on the number of infants born in that year. For more information see Infant Mortality Measure Definitions.
  • The Birth-Death Linked Infant Mortality (Death Cohort) could have less records than Infant Mortality (Death Data Only) due to some death records failing to be linked to a birth record. For more information see Infant Mortality Measure Definitions.

If you have a tip you would like to share please email us.
The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH website ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Thu, 27 March 2025 21:37:54 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health website: ".

Content updated: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 13:59:20 MDT