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The U.S Census Bureau-NCHS or Kem G. Gardner Policy Institute: Which source of population estimates should I use?
If comparing Utah or its counties to other geographies in the U.S., or detailed data is needed, such as age, sex, use data from the U.S. Census Bureau. If only geographies in Utah are needed, use estimates from the Utah Population Committee or the Subcounty estimates by the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute. For more information about the Kem G. Gardner Policy Institute population estimates please go to [https://ibis.utah.gov/ibisph-view/pdf/resource/PopEstFAQ-Feb2023.pdf]Note: The U.S Census Bureau-NCHS population estimates were discontinued in 2021.
- Population Estimates by Utah Small Area
- Race alone
Race Alone
Starting in 2000, the U.S. Census asks persons to identify all races that apply to them. The population estimate results on this page are based on the "Race Alone" definition of race. According to this definition, persons are categorized into a race category if they identified only one race. Persons who identified multiple races are categorized in the "Two or More Races" category. If you would like population estimates for everyone who identified a race category, regardless of the number of race categories they identified, please use the IBIS-PH module for "Race Alone or in Combination." - Race alone or in combination
Race Alone or in Combination
Starting in 2000, the U.S. Census questionnaire asked persons to identify all races that applied to them. The population estimate results on this page are based on the "Race Alone or in Combination" definition of race. According to this definition, persons who identified multiple races are categorized into all race categories they selected. Persons who identified multiple races are counted in multiple categories, thus, the categories are not mutually exclusive. The sum of estimates from all categories will sum to a number greater than the total population. If you would like population estimates that are mutually exclusive, and sum to the population total, please use the IBIS-PH module for "Race Alone."
- Population Density by County and Local Health Districts