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Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Configuration Selection


Click on either the Quick Selection or Advanced Selection bar to see a list of measures available. Use the hierarchical folder tree to navigate to the query module that will meet your needs. To see folder contents, click on the folder icon. Clicking on the folder again will hide the menu folder contents. When you click on the text link, it will take you to the query module. For further explanation on the modules, click on the "Help" button to the right.
    • Current Alcohol Use
    • Current Marijuana Use
    • Episodic Heavy Drinking
    • Offered, Sold, or Given an Illegal Drug on School Property
    • Ever Had Asthma
    • Current Asthma
    • Asthma Attack
      • Bicycle Helmet Use
      • Seat Belt Use
      • Rode With a Driver Who Had Been Drinking Alcohol
      • Drove After Drinking Alcohol
      • Carried a Weapon on School Property
      • Felt Too Unsafe to go to School
      • Threatened or Injured With a Weapon on School Property
      • Felt Sad or Hopeless
      • Seriously Considered Attempting Suicide
      • Made a Suicide Plan
      • Attempted Suicide
      • Suicide Attempt Required Medical Attention
      • Carried a Weapon
      • Carried a Gun
      • In a Physical Fight
      • Injured in a Physical Fight
      • Physically Hurt by a Boyfriend or Girlfriend on Purpose
      • Forced to Have Sexual Intercourse
      • Verbal or Emotional Dating Harm
      • Spending Time on a Cell Phone While Driving (2009-2011)
      • Spending Time on Texting While Driving (2009-2011)
      • Cell Phone Use While Driving, Past 30 Days (2013-)
      • Texting While Driving, Past 30 Days (2013-)
      • Doctor Diagnosed Concussion After Playing Sports or Other Physical Activity
      • Symptoms of Concussion
      • Removed from Game, Practice, or Workout Due to Suspected Concussion
    • Race/Ethnicity Stigma
    • Taught About AIDS/HIV in School
    • Sexual Orientation Stigma
    • Sleep 8 Hours
    • Tanning
    • Current Cigarette Use
    • Current Smokeless Tobacco Use
    • Current Cigar Use
    • Current Tobacco Use
    • Lifetime Cigarette Use
    • Lifetime Electronic Vapor Product Use
    • Smoked a Whole Cigarette Before Age 13 Years
    • Tried to Quit Using all Tobacco Products
    • Used an Electronic Vapor Product on One or More of the Past 30 Days
The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH web site ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Wed, 03 July 2024 10:25:48 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health Web site: ".

Content updated: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 10:27:16 MDT