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Utah Department of Health

UDOH Organizational Chart
Division of Medicaid and Health Financing
Division of Family Health and Preparedness
Division of Disease Control and Prevention
Center for Health Data and Informatics

Our Mission

The mission of the Utah Department of Health is to protect the public's health through preventing avoidable illness, injury, disability, and premature death; assuring access to affordable, quality health care; and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Our Vision

Our vision is for Utah to be a place where all people can enjoy the best health possible, where all can live and thrive in healthy and safe communities.

Our Values

Respect - We show respect to all individuals with whom we interact. We provide quality customer service. We create a workplace culture where we value, honor, and care for each other. We value differing opinions as part of a healthy dialogue.

Integrity - Our actions reflect an absolute commitment to ethical and honest behavior. We are straightforward and transparent with each other, our partners, and the people of Utah.

Collaboration - We engage each other, our partners, and the people of Utah in decision making, planning, and integrated effort. We strive to work effectively with others. We recognize the value of input and opinions gleaned from diverse populations and people.

Evidence-based - We provide health programs that benefit the people of Utah. We make innovative, insightful, and effective decisions based on good science and current, accurate data. We are efficient and timely in making decisions and taking actions. Within program guidelines and budget, we do the right things in order to produce the greatest benefit and the greatest return on the public's investment.

Our Strategic Goals

Healthiest People - The people of Utah will be among the healthiest in the country.

Optimize Medicaid - Utah Medicaid will be a respected innovator in employing health care delivery and payment reforms that improve the health of Medicaid members and keep expenditure growth at a sustainable level.

A Great Organization - The UDOH will be recognized as a leader in government and public health for its excellence in performance. The organization will continue to grow its ability to attract, retain, and value the best professionals and public servants.

Content updated: January 2021
The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH website ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Thu, 13 March 2025 4:58:28 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health website: ".

Content updated: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 15:55:22 MDT