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PHOM Indicator Profile Report of Ischemic Heart Disease Deaths

Why Is This Important?

Ischemic heart disease (sometimes called coronary heart disease or coronary artery disease) is a condition in which blood flow to the heart is reduced. A common cause of this condition is a buildup of plaque in the arteries. When the coronary arteries become narrowed or clogged, an inadequate amount of blood oxygen reaches the heart tissue.

Ischemic Heart Disease Deaths, Utah and U.S., 1999-2020

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confidence limits
In 2020, the age-adjusted rate for Utah was 66.9 deaths per 100,000 people. In 2020, the age-adjusted rate for the U.S. (91.8 per 100,000) was much higher than the rate for Utah.

Data Sources

  • Utah Death Certificate Database, Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Utah Department of Health and Human Services
  • Population Estimates: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) through a collaborative agreement with the U.S. Census Bureau, IBIS Version 2018
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on-line data - CDC WONDER
  • National Vital Statistics System, National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Data Notes

This indicator uses ICD-10 codes for ischemic heart disease, ICD-10 code I20-I25. Note that this indicator was formerly called coronary heart disease deaths. After a review by the HEAL Program, it was determined ischemic heart disease was a better term and matches the CDC coding. The name of the indicator has been changed to "Ischemic Heart Disease Deaths" (see   [[br]] [[br]] Data reflects deaths with ICD-10 codes I20-I25 listed as primary cause. Utah rates are age-adjusted to 2000 U.S. standard population using 11 age categories and drawn from IBIS-Q. U.S. rates are drawn from CDC WONDER and may use different age-adjustment categories. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Compressed Mortality File 1999-2020. CDC WONDER On-line Database, compiled from Compressed Mortality File. Accessed at

Risk Factors

Individuals who smoke cigarettes, have high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, diabetes, poor nutrition, a family history of heart disease, or who are overweight, obese, or physically inactive are at great risk of developing ischemic heart disease.

How Are We Doing?

In 2020, the age-adjusted mortality rate for ischemic heart disease in Utah was 66.9 deaths per 100,000 population. In 1999 (the year ICD-10 codes began to be used for death records), the age-adjusted rate was 118.3 per 100,000. This shows a decline in mortality rates as a result of ischemic heart disease in Utah between 1999 and 2020.

What Is Being Done?

HEAL aims to reduce the incidence of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke by targeting risk factors including reducing obesity, increasing physical activity and nutritious food consumption, and improving diabetes and hypertension control. HEAL is part of the Utah Million Hearts Coalition. [ Million Hearts 2027] is an initiative co-led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Million Hearts aimed to reduce the number of heart attacks and strokes in the U.S. by 1 million by 2027. The Utah Million Hearts Coalition has initiated efforts to educate staff in primary care clinics on the proper techniques for measuring high blood pressure. HEAL is also working on the following things to address issues related to high blood cholesterol: *Increasing healthy nutrition and physical activity environments in K-12 schools *Increasing healthy nutrition and physical activity environments in early care and education (childcare/preschool) *Increasing healthy nutrition and physical activity environments and programs in worksites *Improving awareness of prediabetes, hypertension, and high blood cholesterol for Utahns *Improving the quality of medical care for people with diabetes, hypertension, and high blood cholesterol *Improving the linkages between health care providers and supporting community programs for Utahns with prediabetes, diabetes, hypertension, and high blood cholesterol *Improving access and availability to community health programs for Utahns with prediabetes, diabetes, hypertension, and high blood cholesterol *Improving care and management of students with chronic conditions in Utah schools

Healthy People Objective: Reduce coronary heart disease deaths

U.S. Target: 103.4 deaths per 100,000 population
State Target: 54.0 deaths per 100,000 population

Date Indicator Content Last Updated: 11/29/2022

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The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH website ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Sat, 04 January 2025 16:10:50 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health website: ".

Content updated: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:57:35 MDT