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Complete Health Indicator Report of Drinking Water: DEHP (Di [2-Ethylhexyl] phthalate)


__Mean DEHP (Di [2-Ethylhexyl] phthalate) Levels for Utah__[[br]] 1) Yearly distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean DEHP concentration 2) Yearly distribution of number of people served by CWS by mean DEHP concentration __Maximum DEHP Levels for Utah__[[br]] 3) Yearly distribution of number of CWS by maximum DEHP concentration 4) Yearly distribution of number of people served by CWS by maximum DEHP concentration


1) Count of community water systems categorized by mean DEHP (Di [2-Ethylhexyl] phthalate) concentration for each year reported (cut-points: <=6, >6 ug/L DEHP, Not Detected) 2) Number of people served by community water systems categorized by mean DEHP concentration for each year reported (cut-points: <=6, >6 ug/L DEHP, Not Detected) 3) Count of community water systems categorized by maximum DEHP concentration for each year reported (cut-points: <=6, >6 ug/L DEHP, Not Detected) 4) Number of people served by community water systems categorized by maximum DEHP concentration for each year reported (cut-points: <=6, >6 ug/L DEHP, Not Detected)


Not applicable.

Data Interpretation Issues

These calculations include all available data which varies by year and water system. This data does not include information about private water sources such as well water or tribal water systems. Population data for each community water system (CWS) are estimated based on number of connections. A CWS is a public water system which serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents. The current measures are derived for community water systems (CWS) only. Private wells may be another source of population exposure to DEHP (Di [2-Ethylhexyl] phthalate). Transient non-community water systems, which are regulated by EPA, may also be an important source of DEHP exposure. Measures do not account for the variability in sampling, numbers of sampling repeats, and variability within systems. Concentrations in drinking water cannot be directly converted to exposure, because water consumption varies by climate, level of physical activity, and between people (EPA 2004). Due to errors in estimating populations, the measures may overestimate or underestimate the number of affected people. (From the National Environmental Public Heath Tracking Network [NEPTHN] Nationally Consistent Data and Measures [NCDM] DEHP indicator document, version 4) Ground water systems may have many wells with different DEHP concentrations that serve different parts of the population. Compliance samples are taken at each entry point to the distribution system. In systems with separate wells serving some branches or sections of the distribution system, the system mean would tend to underestimate the DEHP concentration of people served by wells with higher DEHP concentrations. Exposure may be higher or lower than estimated if data from multiple entry points for water with different DEHP levels are averaged to estimate levels for the CWS. (Modified from the National Environmental Public Heath Tracking Network [NEPTHN] Nationally Consistent Data and Measures [NCDM] DEHP indicator document, version 4)

Why Is This Important?

People drink and use water every day. The majority of Americans are provided with high quality drinking water. About 90% of people in the U.S. get their water from a community water system versus a smaller water supply, such as a household well. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets regulations for treating and monitoring drinking water delivered by community water systems. Currently, there are water quality standards and monitoring requirements for over 90 contaminants. Drinking water protection programs play a critical role in ensuring high quality drinking water and protecting the public's health. Because people drink and use water every day, contaminants in drinking water have the potential to affect many people. The number of people served by a community water system varies from as low as 25 to hundreds of thousands. Community water systems in the U.S. provide among the highest quality drinking water in the world. However, some contaminants are present at low levels and it is still possible that drinking water can become contaminated at higher levels. If a person is exposed to a high enough level of a contaminant, they may become ill. Most of what we know about the health effects of DEHP (Di [2-Ethylhexyl] phthalate) comes from studies of rats and mice given high amounts of DEHP. Brief oral exposure to very high levels of DEHP damaged sperm in mice. Although the effect reversed when exposure ceased, sexual maturity was still delayed in the animals. High amounts of DEHP damaged the liver of rats and mice. Whether or not DEHP contributes to human kidney damage is unclear. (Nationally Consistent Data and Measures [NCDM] version 3). DEHP is the most commonly used group of related chemicals called phthalates or phthalic acid esters. Some people who drink water containing DEHP well in excess of the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for many years may have problems with their liver, experience reproductive difficulties, or have an increased risk of getting cancer (U.S. EPA, 2010). (Modified from the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network [NEPHTN] Nationally Consistent Data and Measures [NCDM] DEHP indicator document, version 4) The Department of Health and Human Services has determined that DEHP may reasonably be anticipated to be a human carcinogen. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that DEHP is a probable human carcinogen. These determinations were based entirely on liver cancer in rats and mice. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has stated that DEHP cannot be classified as to its carcinogenicity to humans. (From the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network [NEPHTN] Nationally Consistent Data and Measures [NCDM] DEHP indicator document, version 4)

Related Indicators

Related Relevant Population Characteristics Indicators:

Graphical Data Views

Yearly Distribution of Number of Community Water Systems (CWS) by Mean DEHP Concentration (ug/L), Utah, 1999-2019

::chart - missing::

DEHP Concentration (ug/L)YearNumber of CWS
Record Count: 153
Not Detected19992
Not Detected2000124
Not Detected2001127
Not Detected2002144
Not Detected2003141
Not Detected2004129
Not Detected2005144
Not Detected2006137
Not Detected2007112
Not Detected2008134
Not Detected2009129
Not Detected2010166
Not Detected2011106
Not Detected201286
Not Detected2013234
Not Detected201492
Not Detected201573
Not Detected2016289
Not Detected201782
Not Detected201886
Not Detected2019340

Data Source

Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water, Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)

Yearly Distribution of Number of People Served by Community Water Systems (CWS) by Mean DEHP Concentration (ug/L), Utah, 1999-2019

::chart - missing::

DEHP Concentration (ug/L)YearNumber of People Served by CWS
Record Count: 153
Not Detected1999335
Not Detected20001,566,561
Not Detected20011,240,963
Not Detected20022,031,562
Not Detected20031,807,184
Not Detected20041,951,888
Not Detected20051,744,167
Not Detected20061,666,516
Not Detected20071,785,378
Not Detected20081,641,886
Not Detected20091,599,231
Not Detected20101,168,357
Not Detected20111,823,256
Not Detected20121,221,534
Not Detected20131,493,648
Not Detected20142,619,335
Not Detected20152,812,644
Not Detected20162,453,185
Not Detected20172,591,876
Not Detected20181,500,362
Not Detected20192,253,798

Data Source

Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water, Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)

Yearly Distribution of Number of Community Water Systems (CWS) by Maximum DEHP Concentration (ug/L), Utah, 1999-2019

::chart - missing::

DEHP Concentration (ug/L)YearNumber of CWS
Record Count: 153
Not Detected19992
Not Detected2000124
Not Detected2001127
Not Detected2002144
Not Detected2003141
Not Detected2004129
Not Detected2005144
Not Detected2006137
Not Detected2007112
Not Detected2008134
Not Detected2009129
Not Detected2010166
Not Detected2011106
Not Detected201286
Not Detected2013234
Not Detected201492
Not Detected201573
Not Detected2016289
Not Detected201782
Not Detected201886
Not Detected2019340

Data Source

Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water, Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)

Yearly Distribution of Number of People Served by Community Water Systems (CWS) by Maximum DEHP Concentration, Utah, (ug/L) 1999-2019

::chart - missing::

DEHP Concentration (ug/L)YearNumber of People Served by CWS
Record Count: 153
Not Detected1999335
Not Detected20001,566,561
Not Detected20011,240,963
Not Detected20022,031,562
Not Detected20031,807,184
Not Detected20041,951,888
Not Detected20051,744,167
Not Detected20061,666,516
Not Detected20071,785,378
Not Detected20081,641,886
Not Detected20091,599,231
Not Detected20101,168,357
Not Detected20111,823,256
Not Detected20121,221,534
Not Detected20131,493,648
Not Detected20142,619,335
Not Detected20152,812,644
Not Detected20162,453,185
Not Detected20172,591,876
Not Detected20181,500,362
Not Detected20192,253,798

Data Source

Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water, Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)

References and Community Resources

Utah Department of Environmental Quality[[br]] [] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency[[br]] [] Utah Environmental Public Health Tracking Program[[br]] [] National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program[[br]] [] Citations:[[br]] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). The Analysis of Regulated Contaminant Occurrence Data from public Water Systems in Support of the Second Six-year Review of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. EPA-815-B-09-006, October 2009. U.S. EPA, Basic Information about Di (2- ethylhexyl) phthalate in Drinking Water. 2010.

More Resources and Links

Additional indicator data by state and county may be found on these websites:

Medical literature can be queried at PubMed library.

Page Content Updated On 05/10/2021, Published on 05/20/2021
The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH web site ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Fri, 04 October 2024 20:39:38 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health Web site: ".

Content updated: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:57:32 MDT