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Complete Health Indicator Report of Drinking Water: Nitrates


__Mean Nitrate Levels for Utah__ [[br]] 1) Yearly distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean nitrate concentration [[br]] 2) Yearly distribution of number of people served by CWS by mean nitrate concentration [[br]] 3) Quarterly distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean nitrate concentration __Maximum Nitrate Levels for Utah__ [[br]] 4) Yearly distribution of number of CWS by maximum nitrate concentration [[br]] 5) Yearly distribution of number of people served by CWS by maximum nitrate concentration [[br]] 6) Quarterly distribution of number of people served by CWS by mean nitrate concentration


1 & 3) Count of community water systems categorized by mean nitrate concentration for each year/quarter reported (cut-points: <=10, >10 mg/L nitrate, Not Detected) 2) Number of people served by community water systems categorized by mean nitrate concentration for each year reported (cut-points: <=10, >10 mg/L nitrate, Not Detected) 4 & 6) Count of community water systems categorized by maximum nitrate concentration for each year/quarter reported (cut-points: <=10, >10 mg/L nitrate, Not Detected) 5) Number of people served by community water systems categorized by maximum nitrate concentration for each year reported (cut-points: <=10, >10 mg/L nitrate, Not Detected)


Not applicable. There are no rates in this nitrates indicator.

Data Interpretation Issues

Data reported to other sources, such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), may differ slightly. A community water system (CWS) is a public water system which serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents. These calculations include all available data which varies by year and water system. This data does not include information about private water sources such as well water or tribal water systems. The current measures are derived for community water systems (CWS) only. Private wells are another important source of population exposure to nitrate. Transient non-community water systems, which are regulated by the EPA, may also be an important source of nitrate exposure. Measures do not account for the variability in sampling, numbers of sampling repeats, and variability within systems. Concentrations in drinking water cannot be directly converted to exposure because water consumption varies by climate, level of physical activity, and between people (EPA 2004). Due to errors in estimating populations, the measures may overestimate or underestimate the number of affected people. (From the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network [NEPHTN] Nationally Consistent Data and Measures [NCDM] nitrate indicator document, version 3) Nitrate levels can vary substantially in groundwater; thus high levels may not be captured by even quarterly sampling. Estimates of the number of people potentially exposed may be unreliable as they are based on estimates made by the water system operator. Concentrations in drinking water cannot be directly converted to exposure because of the overall water consumption, and the proportion of water consumed that comes from the tap is quite variable (EPA 2004). In systems that have more than one entry point to the distribution system, the actual nitrate level at any given house is a mixture of the levels from all contributing sources. Compliance samples are taken at each entry point to the distribution system. In systems with separate wells serving some branches or sections of the distribution system, the system mean would tend to underestimate the nitrate concentration of people served by wells with higher nitrate concentrations. Exposure may be higher or lower than estimated if data from multiple entry points for water with different nitrate levels are averaged to estimate levels for the CWS. (Modified from the NEPHTN NCDM nitrate indicator document, version 3)

Why Is This Important?

People drink and use water every day. The majority of Americans are provided with high quality drinking water. About 90% of people in the U.S. get their water from a community water system versus a smaller water supply such as a household well. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sets regulations for treating and monitoring drinking water delivered by community water systems. Currently, there are water quality standards and monitoring requirements for over 90 contaminants. Drinking water protection programs play a critical role in ensuring high quality drinking water and in protecting the public's health. Because people drink and use water every day, contaminants in drinking water have the potential to affect many people. The number of people served by a community water system varies from at least 25 people to hundreds of thousands. Community water systems in the U.S. provide among the highest quality drinking water in the world. However, some contaminants are present at low levels, and it is still possible that drinking water can become contaminated at higher levels. If a person is exposed to a high enough level of a contaminant, they may become ill. Effects can be by the duration (time) of the exposure. Short-term or long-term effects depend on the specific contaminant, the level of contaminant in the water, and the person's individual susceptibility. As additional information is obtained about how specific contaminants affect public health, standards may change in order to better protect public health. Nitrate (NO3-) originates in drinking water from nitrate-containing fertilizers, sewage and septic tanks, and decaying natural material such as animal waste. Nitrate is very soluble in water, can easily migrate, and does not evaporate (EPA Consumer Fact Sheet). Anthropogenic sources of nitrates are increasing resulting in increased nitrate levels in water resources. Surface water and shallow wells in both rural and urban areas can be affected. Consequently, private wells are especially vulnerable to excess levels of nitrates. Excess levels of nitrate and nitrite can occur in community water supplies. (From the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network [NEPHTN] Nationally Consistent Data and Measures [NCDM] nitrate indicator document, version 3) Nitrate and nitrite are nitrogen-oxygen molecules which can combine with various organic and inorganic compounds. Nitrate is the form commonly found in water, often in areas where nitrogen-based fertilizers are used. Short-term health effects from drinking water with nitrate are most harmful to infants under six months of age. This can cause serious illness and sometimes death in this vulnerable population. Long-term exposures to nitrates in the general population may be associated with adverse reproductive problems and some cancers, primarily stomach. Currently nitrate levels are not supposed to exceed 10 milligrams of nitrates per liter of water in order to prevent any nitrate related adverse health effects. Nitrate was first identified as a public health threat in drinking water in 1945 when high nitrate levels from private wells were shown to cause methemoglobinemia or "blue baby syndrome" in infants who received formula made from well water. When an individual is exposed to nitrate it can be converted to nitrite (NO2-) in the body and then oxidize the ferrous iron (Fe+2) in deoxyhemoglobin in the blood to form methemoglobin containing ferric iron (Fe+3). Methemoglobin cannot transfer oxygen to tissues; thus nitrate or nitrite can starve the body of oxygen and produce a clinical condition known as cyanosis, where the lips and extremities turn gray or blue. Infants younger than four months of age are more sensitive than adults, and can develop "blue baby syndrome" from intake of nitrate higher than 10 mg/L nitrate or 45 mg/L nitrate-nitrogen. Blue baby syndrome is fatal in about ten percent of the cases (ATSDR, 2007). (From the NEPHTN NCDM nitrate indicator document, version 3) In addition, there is some evidence to suggest that exposure to nitrate in drinking water is also associated with adverse reproductive outcomes such as spontaneous abortions, intrauterine growth retardation, and various birth defects such as anencephaly, related to fetal exposures to nitrate. However, the evidence is inconsistent (Manassaram et al, 2006). (From the NEPHTN NCDM nitrate indicator document, version 3)

Related Indicators

Related Relevant Population Characteristics Indicators:

Graphical Data Views

Yearly Distribution of Number of Community Water Systems (CWS) by Mean Nitrate Concentration, Utah, 2000-2019

::chart - missing::

Nitrate Concentration (mg/L)YearNumber of CWS
Record Count: 125
Not Detected200018
Not Detected200120
Not Detected200232
Not Detected200333
Not Detected200427
Not Detected200523
Not Detected200634
Not Detected200742
Not Detected200839
Not Detected200941
Not Detected201052
Not Detected201130
Not Detected201231
Not Detected201339
Not Detected201434
Not Detected201540
Not Detected201647
Not Detected201730
Not Detected201883
Not Detected2019149

Data Source

Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water, Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)

Yearly Distribution of Number of People Served by Community Water Systems (CWS) by Mean Nitrate Concentration, Utah, 2000-2019

::chart - missing::

Nitrate Concentration (mg/L)YearNumber of People Served by CWS
Record Count: 125
Not Detected200028,287
Not Detected200123,193
Not Detected200229,996
Not Detected200332,780
Not Detected200430,949
Not Detected200527,706
Not Detected200618,701
Not Detected200738,463
Not Detected200829,396
Not Detected200929,962
Not Detected201039,973
Not Detected201133,285
Not Detected201223,943
Not Detected201330,368
Not Detected201456,291
Not Detected201557,097
Not Detected201658,377
Not Detected201742,182
Not Detected2018172,478
Not Detected2019199,069

Data Source

Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water, Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)

Yearly Distribution of Number of Community Water Systems (CWS) by Maximum Nitrate Concentration, Utah, 2000-2019

::chart - missing::

Nitrate Concentration (mg/L)YearNumber of CWS
Record Count: 125
Not Detected200018
Not Detected200120
Not Detected200232
Not Detected200333
Not Detected200427
Not Detected200523
Not Detected200634
Not Detected200742
Not Detected200839
Not Detected200941
Not Detected201052
Not Detected201130
Not Detected201231
Not Detected201339
Not Detected201434
Not Detected201540
Not Detected201647
Not Detected201730
Not Detected201883
Not Detected2019149

Data Source

Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water, Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)

Yearly Distribution of Number of People Served by Community Water Systems (CWS) by Maximum Nitrate Concentration, Utah, 2000-2019

::chart - missing::

Nitrate Concentration (mg/L)YearPeople Served by CWS
Record Count: 120
Not Detected200028,287
Not Detected200123,193
Not Detected200229,996
Not Detected200332,780
Not Detected200430,949
Not Detected200527,706
Not Detected200618,701
Not Detected200738,463
Not Detected200829,396
Not Detected200929,962
Not Detected201039,973
Not Detected201133,285
Not Detected201223,943
Not Detected201330,368
Not Detected201456,291
Not Detected201557,097
Not Detected201658,377
Not Detected201742,182
Not Detected2018172,478
Not Detected2019199,069

Data Source

Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water, Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)

Quarterly Distribution of Number of Community Water Systems (CWS) by Mean Nitrate Concentration, Utah, 2010-2019

::chart - missing::

Nitrate Concentration (mg/L)Year and QuarterNumber of CWS
Record Count: 272
<=102010 Q181
<=102010 Q2103
<=102010 Q3155
<=102010 Q483
<=102011 Q186
<=102011 Q293
<=102011 Q3158
<=102011 Q4105
<=102012 Q190
<=102012 Q2103
<=102012 Q3172
<=102012 Q494
<=102013 Q168
<=102013 Q288
<=102013 Q3169
<=102013 Q490
<=102014 Q178
<=102014 Q270
<=102014 Q3176
<=102014 Q470
<=102015 Q187
<=102015 Q274
<=102015 Q3179
<=102015 Q484
<=102016 Q1103
<=102016 Q2128
<=102016 Q3174
<=102016 Q456
<=102017 Q168
<=102017 Q291
<=102017 Q3206
<=102017 Q478
<=102018 Q1115
<=102018 Q2106
<=102018 Q3241
<=102018 Q4115
<=102019 Q1133
<=102019 Q2196
<=102019 Q3358
<=102019 Q4108
>102010 Q10
>102010 Q20
>102010 Q30
>102010 Q40
>102011 Q10
>102011 Q20
>102011 Q30
>102011 Q40
>102012 Q10
>102012 Q20
>102012 Q30
>102012 Q40
>102013 Q10
>102013 Q21
>102013 Q30
>102013 Q40
>102014 Q12
>102014 Q21
>102014 Q30
>102014 Q42
>102015 Q11
>102015 Q21
>102015 Q30
>102015 Q40
>102016 Q10
>102016 Q20
>102016 Q31
>102016 Q40
>102017 Q11
>102017 Q20
>102017 Q30
>102017 Q40
>102018 Q10
>102018 Q20
>102018 Q30
>102018 Q41
>102019 Q10
>102019 Q20
>102019 Q31
>102019 Q41
Not Detected2010 Q113
Not Detected2010 Q29
Not Detected2010 Q329
Not Detected2010 Q412
Not Detected2011 Q19
Not Detected2011 Q27
Not Detected2011 Q313
Not Detected2011 Q410
Not Detected2012 Q113
Not Detected2012 Q27
Not Detected2012 Q310
Not Detected2012 Q45
Not Detected2013 Q17
Not Detected2013 Q22
Not Detected2013 Q324
Not Detected2013 Q415
Not Detected2014 Q111
Not Detected2014 Q211
Not Detected2014 Q314
Not Detected2014 Q47
Not Detected2015 Q114
Not Detected2015 Q213
Not Detected2015 Q319
Not Detected2015 Q48
Not Detected2016 Q17
Not Detected2016 Q213
Not Detected2016 Q330
Not Detected2016 Q411
Not Detected2017 Q14
Not Detected2017 Q29
Not Detected2017 Q314
Not Detected2017 Q411
Not Detected2018 Q115
Not Detected2018 Q227
Not Detected2018 Q341
Not Detected2018 Q422
Not Detected2019 Q132
Not Detected2019 Q234
Not Detected2019 Q379
Not Detected2019 Q430

Data Source

Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water, Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)

Quarterly Distribution of Number of People Served by Community Water Systems (CWS) by Mean Nitrate Concentration, Utah, 2010-2019

::chart - missing::

Nitrate Concentration (mg/L)Year and QuarterNumber of People Served by CWS
Record Count: 280
<=102010 Q1630,954
<=102010 Q21,269,453
<=102010 Q31,584,110
<=102010 Q4640,956
<=102011 Q1991,484
<=102011 Q21,244,829
<=102011 Q31,615,081
<=102011 Q4415,193
<=102012 Q1856,976
<=102012 Q21,562,446
<=102012 Q31,519,426
<=102012 Q4649,234
<=102013 Q1698,526
<=102013 Q21,189,565
<=102013 Q31,670,010
<=102013 Q4537,449
<=102014 Q11,575,161
<=102014 Q22,144,272
<=102014 Q33,187,803
<=102014 Q4600,031
<=102015 Q12,453,993
<=102015 Q21,921,857
<=102015 Q33,016,390
<=102015 Q41,213,429
<=102016 Q11,292,462
<=102016 Q21,576,633
<=102016 Q31,628,784
<=102016 Q4300,325
<=102017 Q11,576,023
<=102017 Q22,505,079
<=102017 Q32,881,763
<=102017 Q4381,466
<=102018 Q11,032,540
<=102018 Q21,222,494
<=102018 Q31,810,019
<=102018 Q4405,624
<=102019 Q11,030,262
<=102019 Q21,300,891
<=102019 Q32,065,057
<=102019 Q4434,881
>102010 Q10
>102010 Q20
>102010 Q30
>102010 Q40
>102011 Q10
>102011 Q20
>102011 Q30
>102011 Q40
>102012 Q10
>102012 Q20
>102012 Q30
>102012 Q40
>102013 Q10
>102013 Q21,400
>102013 Q30
>102013 Q40
>102014 Q12,767
>102014 Q21,367
>102014 Q30
>102014 Q41,835
>102015 Q11,367
>102015 Q21,367
>102015 Q30
>102015 Q40
>102016 Q10
>102016 Q21,367
>102016 Q31,367
>102016 Q40
>102017 Q140
>102017 Q20
>102017 Q30
>102017 Q40
>102018 Q10
>102018 Q20
>102018 Q30
>102018 Q41,367
>102019 Q10
>102019 Q20
>102019 Q31,200
>102019 Q4300
Not Detected2010 Q132,376
Not Detected2010 Q272,497
Not Detected2010 Q338,972
Not Detected2010 Q413,206
Not Detected2011 Q127,394
Not Detected2011 Q21,259
Not Detected2011 Q314,809
Not Detected2011 Q46,743
Not Detected2012 Q19,853
Not Detected2012 Q210,401
Not Detected2012 Q327,719
Not Detected2012 Q43,601
Not Detected2013 Q110,855
Not Detected2013 Q2500
Not Detected2013 Q319,707
Not Detected2013 Q417,462
Not Detected2014 Q131,703
Not Detected2014 Q2206,665
Not Detected2014 Q398,919
Not Detected2014 Q48,309
Not Detected2015 Q114,277
Not Detected2015 Q2128,672
Not Detected2015 Q327,430
Not Detected2015 Q490,776
Not Detected2016 Q111,065
Not Detected2016 Q233,603
Not Detected2016 Q342,439
Not Detected2016 Q412,229
Not Detected2017 Q1119,538
Not Detected2017 Q212,898
Not Detected2017 Q332,446
Not Detected2017 Q47,743
Not Detected2018 Q121,474
Not Detected2018 Q2160,631
Not Detected2018 Q3147,494
Not Detected2018 Q412,842
Not Detected2019 Q189,719
Not Detected2019 Q217,102
Not Detected2019 Q3267,050
Not Detected2019 Q4119,710

Data Source

Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water, Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)

References and Community Resources

Utah Department of Environmental Quality[[br]] [] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency[[br]] [] Utah Environmental Public Health Tracking Program[[br]] [] National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program[[br]] [] __Citations__:[[br]] ATSDR Case Studies in Environmental Medicine: Nitrate/Nitrite Toxicity. [] Manassaram, D. M., Backer, L. C., & Moll, D. M. (2006). A Review of Nitrates in Drinking Water: Maternal Exposure and Adverse Reproductive and Developmental Outcomes. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114(3), 320-327. doi:10.1289/ehp.8407 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2007b): Technical Factsheet on: Nitrate/Nitrite. [] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water (4606) Occurrence Estimation Methodology and Occurrence Findings Report for the Six-Year Review of Existing National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. EPA-815-R-03-006 June 2003. []

More Resources and Links

Additional indicator data by state and county may be found on these websites:

Medical literature can be queried at PubMed library.

Page Content Updated On 05/10/2021, Published on 05/20/2021
The information provided above is from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services IBIS-PH web site ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Fri, 04 October 2024 19:17:40 from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health Web site: ".

Content updated: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:57:32 MDT