Risk Factors for Drug Overdose and Poisoning Incidents
Risk Factors
In Utah, the top circumstances observed in prescription opioid deaths were physical health problem, substance abuse problem, current mental health problem, current mental health/substance abuse treatment, non-prescription drug involvement, alcohol dependence or problem, and history of suicide attempts.
Source: Utah Department of Health Violence and Injury Prevention Program, Prescription Opioid Deaths in Utah, 2017 updated Fact Sheet [https://opidemic.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/Prescription-Opioid-Deaths-2018.pdf]
Violence and Injury Prevention Program, Office of Health Promotion and Prevention, Utah Department of Health and Human Services | Telephone: (801) 538-6864 | Email: vipp@utah.gov | Website: vipp.utah.gov
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IBIS-PH web site (http://ibis.health.state.gov). The information published
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Sun, 13 October 2024 8:46:38
from Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Indicator-Based Information
System for Public Health Web site: http://ibis.health.state.gov